Pre-op Kaiser weight loss - how strict?

For Kaiser patients, esp. those in the Mid-Atlantic region: my final appointment with my nutritionist is to be tomorrow night. We are required to lose 5% of our weight as part of the approval process. I think I'm going to be shy of that by about 1.5 lbs, thanks to water weight gain from my cycle. Are they extremely strict about it?    — antiques55 (posted on November 16, 2003)

November 17, 2003
I have Kaiser and I;m from Ohio. We did'nt have to lose any weight with our classes. I doubt if they would give you any problems over a little couple pounds. Good Luck!
   — giaco

November 17, 2003
In case anyone is following this thread, Kaiser is VERY strict about the weight loss. I was over the 5% by 2 lbs. at my weigh in and they won't submit the paperwork for approval if you're over at all. So I have to go back in 2-3 weeks and get weighed again. I'll have those dratted two pounds gone by then. It'll delay things by a few weeks, but I haven't come this far to give up.
   — antiques55

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