Worried I will not lose weight after Surgery

I am so excited about surgery, I know it is the right thing for me to do. I just keep thinking that I may be one of the very few that this sugery will not help. I worry that I won't lose the weight. Did anyone have these worries before surgery?    — Melissa B. (posted on July 10, 2003)

July 10, 2003
I had all the same worries because I had tried so many other things and it didn't work. This truely has worked for me I've lost 69 pounds in 5 months and I feel great. Truth is I still have to exercise and do my part which includes a healthy diet. This isn't easy but it does work. Good luck - I'm sure you'll make the right decision for you.
   — Sara L.

July 10, 2003
Melissa - I had the exact same concern. I had such a difficult time losing before surgery, even when I would restrict my calories to 1000/day and walk for 45 minutes twice a day. After surgery, I dropped 24 lbs. in 3 weeks and then it almost stopped. I was losing only 2 lbs./week and I was getting really worried that maybe my body was just not going to let me get rid of this. However, last week it started coming off again and I dropped another 5 lbs. in one week. I know it's coming off, even if it's a little slower than some people. My clothes fit very differently. I really need to get new ones but want to still wait a while on that. You will do just fine. Have faith! Good luck to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 10, 2003
I'm pre-op but one of the dietitians told me that the only time she had seen the surgery fail was if the patient maintained a calorie intake of 2000 plus a day and never exercised. She said that drinking high calorie drinks (even cranberry juice and gatorade can add up quickly) throughout the day was one of the biggest problems. The odds are definitely in our favor of this working for us if we follow the rules which includes lots of exercise.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 10, 2003
This is normal. Its from all those years of failed attempts that we believe this surgery won't work either. I had that feeling too that I was going to be that small percentage where the surgery wouldn't work. Well, I'm at goal now and a size 8 and keeping it off! Don't worry, it will happen for you too.
   — Kris T.

July 10, 2003
Look at it this way, the odds are in your favor! I think ALL of us worried pre-op that the surgery would not work. After all, why should it? Were we ever successful before? And once you get thru the initial year or so while you successfully lose the weight, you'll start worrying (like i do) that you won't be able to keep it off (again based on the past track record). I'm slowly coming to the realization that perhaps if I continue to use the tool properly, drink my water and exercise, then perhaps I can be one of the successful ones. Good luck. Its a wonderful journey.
   — Cindy R.

July 10, 2003
Hi Melissa, I was too! Tomorrow is 5 weeks post OP and i am down 45 lbs . . . with no effort! Good Luck, Michele :)
   — Michele D.

July 10, 2003
I understand why you would feel this way, it's normal. BUT you have to tell yourself that this is NOT another diet for you to fail. All you have to do are follow some simple rules, and the surgery helps you to follow them! Your dr's may be different, but here are the only things I worry about: <p> Protein first, then fruits & veggies, then other stuff<br>Eat every few hours (keeps your metabolism steady)<br>Drink as much water as you can towards 64 oz a day<br>Stay active<br>No caloric liquids<br>No drinking and eating at the same time<br>Take your necessary supplements (calcium citrate, multivit w/iron, sublingual B-12)<p>If you follow the dr's instructions (and it's not that hard),you have an excellent chance for not only success, but long-lasting success. Think about the statistics: Diets have a long-term success rate of roughly 5%. The RNY has a long-term success rate of 85% (with success defined as keeping off at least 50% of your excess weight). You can do it!
   — ctyst

July 10, 2003
I feel the same way Melissa...I am still surgery is 8/25/03...and I think about this very subject almost every day...You're not alone in feeling this way.
   — Lisa F.

July 10, 2003
I think just about everybody has those fears. I was SURE I would be the one person it wouldn't work on and I'd have yet another failure on my head, that was 9 months and 105 # ago.
   — **willow**

July 11, 2003
My surgeon told me that if I had my RNY and DIDN'T lose at least 50% of my excess body fat, that he would write me up for the medical journals. I know it's hard to beleive since so many of us have dieted & re-gained. But this is not a diet. Your body will be physically changed. For me the added bonus was knowing that only 80% of the calories I consumed would be absorbed into my system. THAT'S AN AUTOMATIC 20% OF CALORIES CONSUMED THAT YOUR BODY WILL NEVER ABSORB!!!! How awesome is that?!?
   — klinzey

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