I got approved !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Walter and Kelly Linstrom they appeal it for me and got and approval in 4 day. My surgery date is May 27 2003. Thanks for all of your support in answering my question and for posting such great questions for me to learn so much. I look forward to what is to come. If anyone has any question about Walter Linstrom feel free to ask. My claim was denied bc i did not have 12mth of supervised dieting.    — lalulan (posted on March 11, 2003)

March 11, 2003
Congratulations to you! I am very happy for you. This is a wonderful, new journey you are on. My surgery date in a few weeks away(March 27th) and I am getting anxious for the day. I wish you much success and health and happiness. May God Bless you, take care, cheryl
   — cherby56

March 11, 2003
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know your all excited and scared at the same time. You have made a LEAP towords the losing side.
   — deniece M.

March 11, 2003
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! This is wonderful news--I wish you the best on your journey to the thin side.
   — Jeanine E.

March 11, 2003
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! soon you will be offiially known as a loser. Won't that just sound wonderful????? Robin ps please remember to post afterwards, thanks!
   — Robin I.

March 12, 2003
Thats wonderful and encouraging for those that are facing insurance denials due to lack of a 12 month doctor supervised diet. Congrats!
   — Cindy R.

March 12, 2003
That's wonderful Alana! And good for you for keeping up with the fight. I honestly believe insurance should cover this for anyone who truly needs it, and I'm glad they are now for you. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

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