Does anyone else have to deal with the questions?

Ever since I've decided to have surgery, and tell my family, it's been a combination of 20/20 and Investigative Reports around here. Everyone wants to know WHEN i'm going to have it, how SOON am I going to lose the weight, and WHY is it taking so long for approval, and yadda yadda. I don't appreciate these questions. I thought I was doing the right thing by telling them, since they are my family, but this tickin' me off. It's not important that I've decided to have this surgery to save my life but the comments are ridiculous. People as BIG as me have the nerve to say "ohhh, so you're gonna lose weight that way".. like this is some new experimental drug, or better yet, "why don't you just exercise" "why do you have to be so extreme". How can people be so critical, especially other obese persons. WTH is going on? Am I the only one hearing this ?    — Laydie K. (posted on March 4, 2003)

March 3, 2003
You're breaking new ground - everyone is curious about the surgery. You will be the poster person and you just might lead others to consider this surgery also. Whatever you do be honest that you are in research of this and when you have the answers, you'll let them know too. Keep upbeat and excited - most of those people care for you and just want the best for you. Sally, Harrison, Mi (3/26/03)
   — Sally P.

March 3, 2003
We told my parent and his parents. We made sure that we had our facts in order and sat them down and told them all about it. We told them that there were going to be a lot of preop tests that will take time and then it is all sent to the insurance co for approval, etc. We pretty much told them everything. There were only a few questions from the parents. We also told one of our close friend couple. We talkd about it for a while and questions were asked and we answered them. No one has been bugging us at all. I guess we told them everything in order to head off any constant nagging. Our parents all know that we (hubby and I are doing this together) can't loose weight successfully so they understand why we are doing this.
   — Pookie B.

March 4, 2003
I didn't tell a lot of people pre op but I was very open about it post op and yes, I get tired of the questions sometimes. And the food pushers. I try to answer completely but sometimes its the fourth time that day I've been asked that question. I want to scream. I don't but, boy, would I like to. No real advice except to smile and keep going.
   — Sunny S.

March 4, 2003
while I agree with the previous posts on this, one must also consider the fear factor in other MO persons. You may be hearing lots of criticism because they are scared. Gee, is this something they may have to do too some day? Will others they know (mutually with you) see your success and then start nagging them to have surgery to lose weight? Many factors cause people to react these ways. Hang tough. I for one appreciate you going thru this as it helps YOU and helps others to learn. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 5, 2003

   — aprilbaree

March 5, 2003
Hi there! I am having the opposite problem...people are saying..that's great!! And I am thinking..okay, so everyone in the world thinks I am so fat I need surgery. Can't win for losing!! lol
   — MissKimberly

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