What are the best closure options for an open incision?

   — gyneasmith (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
My doctor uses Tegaderm, its a clear tape like product that closes the incision. Your able to shower the same day and no pain when removing 1 week later. My incision was 5" long a very faint thin line, no R.R. tracks. If this isn't an option, I would opt for the glue.
   — ZZ S.

January 26, 2003
You could talk to your surgeon about your fears. Go ahead and tell him/her what is on your mide. One of the reasons the surgeon uses staples is to reduce allegric reactions to various threads used for stiches. When I had breast reduction surgery, I had an allergric reaction to the stitches. It was very painful and uncomfortable. I had staples for WLS and have had no problems at all.
   — barbara A.

January 26, 2003
Dr. Wood did my surgery on 12/31. My incision is 12.5 inches long--from stem to stern so to speak. haven't had any problems with it. Staples are usually used because they provide the most hold.
   — sandy L.

January 26, 2003
hi - in answer to your worries about staples and the incision opening back up . sometimes it might , but not always . i had to c-sections (large cut) and staples both times . i didn't have a problem with them either . but talk to your surgeon and go with what makes you feel comfortable ......
   — patti G.

January 26, 2003
I had an open RNY, wound up with a 4" scar that was closed using surgical glue & internal stitches, and at 8 months out, it has almost disappeared (well, it has *certainly* disappeared among folds of loose skin, but if I look for it there's a faint scar there!). I have had others surgical scars keloid on me, but not this one. :) I think you should ask your surgeon for what you'd like, and listen to his preferences (and ask why he does what he does).
   — Suzy C.

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