did your first period after surgery just make you feel yucky all around

I am 3w3d post op and have been pretty good, but today I just plain feel bad. Like I would love to be in bed right now. I started my period 2 days ago- not real heavy. I also have been having trouble taking my Zoloft- it causes severe heartburn and I have tried everything to alleviate that. I also have a superficial incisional infection that seems to be clearing up. I have been taking my HUGE vitamins and getting in all of my fluids most days and most of the protien. Just wondered if my "monthly bill" might be taking a bit of a toll on me. Thank you all so much for all of your wonderful help. Love yall. Leigh    — Leigh S. (posted on December 29, 2002)

December 29, 2002
Hi Leigh, My first period after surgery I felt like I had been hit with a truck!! I think it is just because you are still weak from the surgery and having your period just jerks all the energy from your body. the heartburn concerns me. Are you taking prevacid/tagament-something to protect your tummy??My surgeon has me to take prevacid every day and I haven't had heartburn the first time. I would suggest you call your surgeon about this. It could lead to more problems on down the road. Good Luck....
   — Sharon1964

December 29, 2002
Hi! I'm 2.5 weeks out, and had my period in the hospital. It certainly does NOT help the healing process, but what can you do. ::Sigh:: I would try and get as much rest as possible right now, you EARNED it! As for the heartburn, that's serious. I'd call the doctor ASAP and get some prevacid or zantac. I have a prescription for zantac and aciphex (spelled wrong). I take the zantac once a day, and it's the same strength as two over the counter ones. So, if the doc says go get some zantac, ask for a prescription so you don't have to take so many. Take care!!
   — Diana L.

December 29, 2002
Yes, my first period after surgery was hellish! I was exhausted all the time, cranky, sore, face was breaking out, weird food cravings, cranky, and did I mention cranky? I got back on the Depo Provera right away - I'm NOT having that again!
   — Angie M.

December 29, 2002
I'm soooo happy someone brought this up because I had the worst cramps Friday that I misattributed to overeating. The cramps were so bad I took some Lortab and went to bed. I haven't done that since I was a teen. My nurse (actually the doctor's nurse) said that our cycles would change as we lost weight because of the changing ratio of fat in our bodies. I don't remember his exact words, but I have an appointment Jan. 7 and you'd better believe I am leaving there with a better understanding of all this and perscription for pain killers! --Jen, lap RNY, 11/12/02 (-40)
   — Mrs. Rich

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