Has anyone been asked to provide a post-op plan of treatment?

I feel I am VERY close to approval, but my insurance is asking for my surgeon to provide a post- op plan of treatment and they also want to see my recent Thyroid profiles (which were well within therapeutic range) -- has anyone had their insurance ask for either of these items? And does it sound like I may be close to approval?? Thanks in advance for your help!!!!!    — Kewpidoll (posted on December 12, 2002)

December 12, 2002
The last thing my insurance company asked me for were recent thyroid panels. By the time they got to that point my recent ones were 2 months old and they needed more current. They only want to make sure everything is in order for us to have surgery. The post-op plan of treatment I would think is also a routine item they would need from your surgeon. Sounds to me like you are close to approval. Best wishes! Roberta~Lap RNY 9/10/02 and -68lbs.
   — Roberta S.

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