fear of losing weight

This is crazy. I really wanted and needed this surgery! I worked hard to get it done! I'm 2.5 mos post op ( aug 23) 50 lbs down. But for some weird reason I'm afraid of losin all the weight. I'm not sabotaging but Ievery time I get on the sCAle and see the weight loss or get into small clothes I get scared. Why?????? Ihavent been thin since I was 5 Is this just fear of the unknown?    — Amy G. (posted on November 15, 2002)

November 15, 2002
hiya {{hugs}} it's natural to fear the unknown and as you said, you've been overweight since you were 5 so this is a whole new world opening up to you. i don't know you view on therapy but it would probably be a good idea since life post op is a rollercoaster of emotions while you adjust to the "new you" and since this is an entirely new situation for you, it would be helpful to talk about it with a counselor. you may also want to find a local wls support group -- studies have shown that we need 3 years minimum support post op. there are sooo many changes going on, emotionally and physically, it can be overwhelming! i facilitate a wls support group...feel free to email me anytime [email protected] {{hugs}} kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

November 15, 2002
I have been having a similar problem to yours. I had my surgery 8/7/02 and I have lost 73 lbs. People are making SUCH a big deal of my weight loss and saying how great I look and I get sooo embarrased! Before surgery I thought how great it would be to have people say how great you look, but now that it is happening, I don't know how to deal with it, and it turns into a negative experience. I get all flustered and red, and I feel weird! LOL I am still learning how to deal with it, and it gets better everyday. I hope the same for you. :o)
   — fropunka

November 15, 2002
hi there. i can relate to the original poster and all the others as go through so many changes both physically and emotionally as well. and being that its a rather fast process it takes time to absorb it all and to get used to the changes taking place. a trip to wal mart for me, is no longer what it used to be,run in get what you need and leave. now anytime om out, i run into someone that hasnt seen me in a while and people flip and i feel like im on display. im not complaining at all my any means. i love the new attention it just takes a bit pf getting used to from the way things were before. i wish you all the best of luck and congrats to all of you both post op and pre ops who have their date! :)
   — carrie M.

November 16, 2002
If you read my profile, you will read that I had noticed that as the weight came off I began to feel more and more vulnerable. Most times I had felt embarrassed if anyone noticed me or looked at me. I also noted that I realized that my weight was used as a shield from others....I am very shy and to have that shield go away was terrifying for me. Afterall, what would replace this if I did not have my food and my large body that noone would want to come near. It is very scary to let go of that which has been with us for so long. Our bodies are used as tools against other's and food becomes our friend, our way of dealing with the fear, hurt, anger, etc....(No, not all people on this site would agree with this, but I bet quite a few people could). If you can, just ride out the feelings, you will adjust, and in the end you will be more in touch with yourself, as well as having become more confident in yourself!!! You are doing great!!!
   — twenc

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