Should I taper off my eating before surgery

I have just been scheduled for surgery on Aug 23. I want to spend the next couple of weeks eating some of the foods I know I will not be able to eat post op. Hubby says I should be tapering off so I dont miss eating so much post op. ( hubby normal weight) this is creating a disagreement. what do others do pre op eat or not eat??    — Amy G. (posted on July 30, 2002)

July 30, 2002
Well, I haven't heard it from the horse's mouth yet, but I am due to visit a nutritionist in a few days in preparation for my 8/26/02 Open RNY, and I have the feeling I am going to get told a few things. One, give up diet soda/caffeine now. Every time I have done it before, I have fallen victim to a terrible, three day headache. Better to go through my withdrawal now than with an incision! Then I will really be miserable! It doesn't sound like you are eating "everything in sight" and that is great. None of us need to gain another pound! I have also had to quit smoking, and I want to begin walking again in the evenings (and stop using the heat as an excuse not to). To make this very long story a little shorter, while there are some things we all enjoy and perhaps may never eat again after this surgery, I am only delaying the inevitable by continuing to OVERindulge. I want to really feel good about the surgery and about myself. But my eating and weight have always been such a burden for me, and if I continue with my destructive eating patterns, I will not feel good. We've got to get through the surgery first before we can reap all its benefits. I wish the absolute best for you, I know you will do well & congratulations, your new life is soon to begin! God bless.
   — Valerie B.

July 30, 2002
Amy, Congrats on having a date. That was a big hurdle for me. I am 13 days post op, and am doing well I think. I decided to eat like a pig for the weeks prior to my surgery. I figured I was taking my food crutch away forever, and I might as well use it while I could. Plus, there were a few things I knew I wouldn't be able to eat again, and they needed a "decent bon voyage" I don't know if I was right or wrong, but I enjoyed it.
   — Marian K.

July 30, 2002
Amy, I ate like a pig pre-op and guess what? Yep, I had to lose all that I gained. I do not recommend overeating like I did. I truly wish I could turn back the clock for myself. I would try some protein supps. to get a feel for what you like, and eat sensibly so you'll be as healthy as possible going into surgery. Best wishes.
   — Tina B.

July 30, 2002
Aug. 23rd....suggestion....allow yourself three favorite meals or foods that you will not be eating post-op. Eat them or it prior to the end of--say---next week. Then, eat healthy, small portions when you do eat. Your taste buds and cravings will all change post-op. You will be amazed. You really will not want for anything. It is difficult to explain, but true. Just be dilligent to yourself and your recovery plan for good health on a daily basis. If you do manage to get a few pounds off prior to surgery, it does give the surgeons more room in there to work!
   — Barbara B.

July 30, 2002
I encourge you to eat whatever yopu want! Just try not to gain 30 pounds. Pre op is so stressful its OK. Most of us gain weight in the weeks leading up to surgery. Tell your hubby to chill. Since he isnt MO he cant understand what this is like. Lots of time for loosing weight after surgery,
   — bob-haller

July 30, 2002
My surgeon's office has us going on a pre op diet of protein and veggies only. It helped so much because it prepared me for post op and it made me feel better. I had more strengh and less pain. Just a suggestion.
   — Lawrence R.

July 30, 2002
By God, I'd eat whatever I wanted, when I wanted and HOW much I wanted! YOU WILL NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER... (You get the picture) be able to do it again. I last suppered myself to death the last month. (I lost 12-15 pounds too). I cut out sugar, and went to Splenda and I think that is why I lost weight. Just eat whatever you want, stop sugar and caffine if you can. Losing the sugar and caffine will be the best thing you can stop before surgery. And if you can, WALK. It will stregthen your heart and lungs. Best of luck to you.
   — Danmark

July 30, 2002
My surgeon's office asks for the last week to lighten the eating load and lessen the amount of meat that you eat. I've been doing 1600 calories a day, sticking mostly to protein, fruit and veggies and I feel better. I've lost 41 lbs since I started this process in January. So that's 41 pounds I won't have to lose after the surgery.
   — Cathy S.

July 31, 2002
I increased my eating right before surgery, ate everything I thought I wouldn't be able to have afterwards and gained another 13 pounds. I'm now 7 weeks post-op and down 42 pounds! Enjoy!
   — Sandi L.

July 31, 2002
Amy, the camp seems divided here. I am 20 days pre-op (aug. 20) & for the last month or so I haven't overindulged. I have started trying to be more conscious of eating healthier things, but not always. I have gotten off caffeine and soda. I am *trying* to get in a little exercise (walking, stairs) but not enough as I'd wanted. I'm already starting to look at food differently. Sweets are my downfall. I don't consider them an old friend to have a last hurrah with. They have done nothing but betray me & poison me, so I don't have a lot of sentimental value attached to them. If you must, have a few last favorite meals, but do it now & then the next couple of weeks try to pack in the protein, water & exercise. It will help condition you for surgery. Best of luck, surgery sister!
   — Robin W.

July 31, 2002
I ate like there was no tomorrow and like there was going to be a HUGE FAMINE!!!! I suggest eating some things that you really enjoy now, but not in HUGE quantities!!!! Why pack on more poundage pre-op, you just have to lose it post-op!! You know what? There will be food post-op! But you won't want some of it and you won't be able to eat some of it and you won't be able to eat large portions. BUT THERE WILL STILL BE FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know your "normal" size hubby does not understand at all. Luckily, my wife and I went thru this surgery (open rny's) in the same year so we understood the "LAST MEAL SYNDROME" very well. I say GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But don't over do, especially the last week. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!

July 31, 2002
I wanted to be in the best shape possible for the surgery and minimize my risks. I chose to spend the 5 weeks before my surgery working with a personal trainer. I did strength training and built some muscle in my arms, legs, and abs. I think it really helped me recover faster. While I didn't "diet" (diets don't work--haven't you heard???) I did do some things I knew I would have to after surgery (cut out soft drinks, ate less sugar, no fried foods, ate more protein). I did have a few last suppers but still managed to lose 15 pounds (I gained muscle too so that was pretty good!). Its all in what your goals are. I heard that losing a little weight reduces the size of your liver so the surgeon can see better. Plus the more fit you are the less of a risk you are for surgery. I really wanted to maximize my chances for making it thru so those are the choices I made. Plus now I can eat darn near anything I want in moderation so I don't feel like I am missing anything. You WILL be able to enjoy food post op. Look at my profile--I still eat out a lot! But in the end it is your choice and not anyone else's--even your husband. Good luck!
   — ctyst

July 31, 2002
Oh girl! EAT EAT EAT!! Some of my fondest memories while I was sipping broth in the days following my surgery were my binges b4 surgery. I went out with a BANG... and do not regret ONE bite. And so far I dont miss it either. I am 10 weeks out and down 64. Good luck....
   — Sassy M.

July 31, 2002
I'm Lisa - nearly 4 months post op and 81 + lbs. down, I can not stress to you enough, eat like normal or even indulge yourself a bit. Afterwards, you'll have no other choice. I was going to start fasting 3 days earlier than what my doctor recommended before the bowel prep but my sister was w/me. She is an RN and she told me that I should just follow his directions - the day before I started my fasting, I had a good, hearty meal WITH a good hearty desert. :) I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I'm not kidding you, there is absolutely no words that can truly prepare you for the changes that will have to occur and the eating habits that will occur after surgery - enjoy yourself without worry, before. If your husband wants to talk to my husband - I'm sure he'd be glad to. I would gently tell him to please back off, be there as your rock as he's always been and let your doctors run the show before hand - follow directions and I mean it when I say - indulge yourself a bit. Prior to deciding on surgery, I was always making sure not to order a milk shake like my family might w/dinner or desert, as my family would after dinner. Even with those choices, I still gained weight - after my surgery was scheduled though, I lifted the bar of "no-no's" in my book and I had that hot fudged Sundae I had passed on so many times or I ate a high-fat dinner without one ounce of guilt. If I had it to do all over again, I'd probably do it the same OR I'd indulge a bit more. Good luck to you w/your August 23rd surgery.
   — Lisa J.

July 31, 2002
It was suggested to me by my psychologist that I get used to eating the things I was supposed to eat after surgery (healthier, lots of protien, etc.), but I didn't listen. I pigged out and I don't regret it. My "last meal" before surgery was a trip to Outback Steakhouse, complete with a LARGE order of cheese fries! I kind of treated it like a farewell to my old self party! Good luck!
   — sheltie

July 31, 2002
I don't know when I have laughed so hard as I did when I read Daniel's answer. 6 more days to my surgery and I haven't slowed down yet.
   — Margaret G.

July 31, 2002
I ate Everything I loved the most in the weeks prior to my surgery. I had little "food funerals" every time I knew it was my last time eating something I loved. My surgery was on Friday, May 3rd so on Sunday, April 28th, I made that my "last meal" and went out to dinner at my all time favorite restaurant (sushi!). Come Monday morning, I cut out eating everything "bad", upped my morning walks, drank more water and by Friday, I had lost 9 pounds! My eating less those last several days before surgery also made my wonderful bowel prep much easier than if I had eaten heavily right up until surgery. Good luck with your surgery! :o)
   — Jennifer A.

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