Does anybody have a problem with intimate issues since WLS?

Sure hope this posts anon since it is kind of embarassing,but I am 4 mos post op and since WLS I have such a small climax during lovemaking that sometimes I wonder if it happened! Used to be an explosion and now it is like a little sparkler! With Valentine's Day approaching I wonder if it is me or is this common? Sorry so graphic but this is worrying me and is unsatisfying. Also it takes forever to reach orgasm with my husband. Thank goodness he is patient with me.    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 11, 2002)

February 11, 2002
Hi...I TOO am posting anonymously this go-round! As far as intimacy problems: I actually was doing fine in this department about 3 months post-op (I felt a lot more comfortable and could, well, move around a bit better), but starting around 5 months post-op, I became more and more aware of this sagging stomach problem I am experiencing. I'm sure I look better with a sagging stomach than when it was filled with fat and protruding, but I suddenly became extremely self-conscious, which has definitely affected me in the intimacy dept. I don't know if this is your difficulty as well. I'm at 9 months post-op now and just as soon wouldn't be intimate at all at this point (stomach sag has only gotten worse!). I truly hope this is a temporary phase.....
   — [Anonymous]

February 11, 2002
Hot tip about sex: When you're hot, you're hot and when you're not, you're not. Your body is going through alot of changes....I hated the abdominal muscle cramping in my stomach from orgasms myself...put me off my feed as it were for quite a while...that has since disappeared. Give it time. It isn't the weight loss surgery, but if it persists, see your gyn...could be hormonal. You go, Girl!
   — merri B.

February 11, 2002
So glad to hear this. I have never had a problem with an orgasm before WLS. I am now 3 months out and have only had 2 very weak ones. This is a big change for me, and bieng married makes it more apparent. I am hoping it is hormonal as I am fact I am considering calling my doctor tommorow.
   — [Anonymous]

February 11, 2002
Have you started any antidepressants recently? They can play havoc on your sex life.
   — Marie A.

February 11, 2002
I love the antidepressant answer and also the hormonal thing. I believe that both play a huge factor in women and sex.Unfortunately, I suffer from both. This is ONLY my opinion and there is NO medical backup for what I am about to say but, I really feel that the surgery may have wreaked havoc on my hormones. I'm 43 and started menopause a year after surgery. Very early and since surgery, i have not yet had a normal cycle...either too many in a month or not one. Now, this "may" be all coincidental but, I would have your hormone levels checked just in case. it can't hurt and if it's the problem, they can help you with that. Good luck to you.
   — Barbara H.

February 12, 2002
I was a three week post-op when I had my first post-op big "0" and it was very powerful and lasted atleast 15 seconds.Totally blew my socks off!!! I am a 45 year old woman and I hope this keeps up. yeah Baby!!!! Its not your body that won't respond its your mind girl!! Let it go free and think about what TURNS YOU ON!! Good Luck and Happy "0"s to you!!!!!
   — [Anonymous]

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