I may have to have a root canal today, surgery on the 13th

I am having problems with a tooth and may need a root canal. If so they will give me an antibiotic. I have surgery schedualed for the 13th and I am wondering if it is okay to still have surgery. I think if there is an infection it should be cleared up by then but I am worried they will move the date back. I won't know for sure what is wrong with the tooth until this afternoon, but of course I'm fretting! Thanks in advance for any help you may have.    — M. S. (posted on February 1, 2002)

February 1, 2002
Find out what exactly your dentist will be giving you in terms of medication, anesthesia etc. then call your surgeon and check with him. He's the one qualified to answer that! And if there's somehting he doesn't want you taking he might have an alterntive option for the dentist. Who knows?I'm sorry you have to go through all this so close to your big day! Good Luck!
   — Deborah W.

February 1, 2002
Hi- I work in a dental office so I thought maybe I could help. needing a root canal doesn't always mean needing an antibiotic. if it can be done asap you should not need one. have them hold off on crown though you dont want a temp. in the hospital.
   — kathy P.

February 1, 2002
I had a root canal (actually, a pair) post-op and it was fine. All these years I'd heard it was SO horrible. It was not bad, except for the length of time it takes. I was not given an a/b, didn't need pain meds, either. There are certain a/b we should not take post-op because they are pouch-burners, but get the names & run 'em by your doc.
   — vitalady

February 1, 2002
Thanks for the responses. I guess I won't need a root canal after all!!!! My tooth does need some work but he said there is no infection. I also have a cold so maybe some of the pressure was coming from my sinus. Thanks so much for the help! melissa
   — M. S.

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