How do I find a therapist after WLS?

I've never had need to go to a therapist, but I know for a fact that my upcoming weight loss is going to be emotionally tough--I've been fat my whole life, and there's a reason for it. It's a way of hiding, I think. When the fat isn't there anymore, I can't hide anymore. And I know I'll have interpersonal relationship issues, too (years of not dating and all...anyway...). How do I go about finding a therapist who will be sensitive to my issues that are specifially WLS-related? I mean, there are probably a lot of therapists who would never understand what a massive weightloss means emotionally, and it wouldn't help to go to one of those. Any ideas/suggestions?    — Elizabeth W. (posted on January 20, 2002)

January 20, 2002
I don't have an answer for you but I was just wondering the exact same thing!!
   — NancySTX

January 20, 2002
I'd just like to second what Ronni said. If you can, find someone who is used to dealing with people with eating disorders. I know it doesn't seem like we have much in common with people who are bulimic or anorexic, but the body image issues, using food to help deal with emotional issues and so on, are mostly the same.
   — [Anonymous]

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