Am I alone in being happy - but overwhelmed by such a rapid loss? (-30 in 14 days)

I see the scale and I know it's true - I feel the difference - but I don't trust it. I am so afraid I will get on the scale and it will have all come back! Do you ever get over that feeling?    — Michele W. (posted on January 17, 2002)

January 17, 2002
I am 17 months post op and I still do that. I too lost alot of weight really quickly. I have lost 327 pounds in 17 months. I went from an 8x to a size 8. Everything I get on the scale I go into shock. You are doing great. Keep up the good work.
   — DeeDubbs

January 17, 2002
Yes Yes , Yes, you are nornal! I've lost about 115 in 10 months. Everytime I get up in the morning I look in the mirror and expect it to all be back! I've even had dreams that I gained it all back plus some(SHRIEK!!!) LOL So, no you're not alone!!!!!!!! Donna in AL
   — Donna S. C.

January 18, 2002
I am down 113 pounds in 6 months, and have experienced the same feelings. I still worry about regain, and am now obsessing about loosing the last 15 pounds or so. I have posted here that looking into a mirror makes me feel I have lost mu identity. Its confusing but worth how much better I feel.
   — bob-haller

January 18, 2002
Donna W. That is awesome!!!! Wow I am too jealous, I can hardly wait till I get mine. It is stories like yours that makes us pre-ops green with envy waiting for our debut. Congrats and keep up the excellent work!!!
   — TerryS

January 18, 2002
Hey, I think thats awesome!!! I am two months post-op and havent lost 30 lbs yet. Let us in on your secret!!!! :)
   — [Anonymous]

January 20, 2002
Oh I get that feeling all the time... I am 4 weeks and 5 days out and have lost 68.2 lbs. I keep "eyeballing" myself in the mirror to make sure I am not gaining weight, and almost cry when i go to the doc and see that I've gone down... and it is never as much as I want, but it is so much more than I expected!! It is a typical reaction, and as long as you keep telling yourself you are in control and keep control of your eating and exercise, it will never come back! :)
   — Sharon H.

January 20, 2002
Well, it seems I had a self fullfilling nightmare! It has been 3 weeks and I gained a pound!!!!!!!! I have the same dream many of you do - waking up and it's all back - now this! I know I am smaller - from 30/32 blouse to a 24/26 - so I KNOW it's going SOMEWHERE....MAN, I feel like I am going nuts!
   — Michele W.

June 20, 2002
I too have had some fears regarding rapid weight loss. My surgery is scheduled for July and I am truly looking forward to the new me.
   — Marcia J.

March 2, 2003
I am currently pre-op, (still deciding on a doctor). The feeling you are talking about has happened to me every time I diet. I am thrilled to see how much weight I am loosing. But the first time I eat something not on the diet, I get very worried. The last thing I want is to see the numbers go up on the scale. But they always do. I am so excited to begin a new life with WLS. I can not imagine anything feeling worse then watching my children play with my husband, and me not being able to join in because I can't get around very well. Hang in there. I am sure the feeling will go away as time goes by. Good luck!!!
   — Maria S

April 12, 2003
Hi, I just wanted to say your not alone in feeling this way. I had a Lap RNY on 3/27/03 and when I saw my surgeron 12 days later, 4/07/03 I was down 27pounds. I asked the nurse to re-check it because I couldn't believe it. I am starting to see changes in my face and I am afraid it will all come back once its lost too. I am excited and scared all at the same time. I think what we are feeling is normal though and we shouldn't worry or let it brings us down. I wish you alot of success, take care, Cheryl Arnold
   — cherby56

October 21, 2003
Yes! I am extremely happy as I am down 105 lbs...but I keep waiting for the other shoe to fall and gain it all back! I feel guilty if I eat anything that was on my do not eat list right after surgery. I worry I may be 'grazing' some days and eating too much. Answer? I guess just keep trying, and remember it wasn't the plan to be the quick fix to my problem!
   — Marsha C.

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