What do you do about sinus drainage?

I know this may sound grose but it's a fact of life. I have quite a bit of dranage most of the time. I have a terrible habit of just swallowing without spitting it out. I'm having my LapRNY in less then two weeks and I'm wondering if I will have problems with this filling my pouch so that I won't be able to eat. What do others do???    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 1, 2002)

January 1, 2002
AS long as your stoma is working fine, it will just slide on out as it does now. Oddly, my sinus problems became much much less after surgery. Don't know why, really. Except possibly so much less fat in my face made more room for my sinuses to do their jobs?
   — vitalady

January 1, 2002
I had major sinus issues prior to surgery. I was drowning in it when I woke up from anesthesia but I blew my nose and was fine. I found that during my hospital stay, being on oxygen, gave me a major break from my allergies and my sinuses have been way better. I also was able to quit using Afrin for the first time in 6 years. Anyway, I still get some drainage and haven't had any problems with my stomach. When I had a cold, I worried it would upset my stomach and fill it up. It didn't do either. Good luck!
   — Meredith P.

January 1, 2002
Michelle, I noticed the same thing, my sinuses and allergies appear much improved since surgery. Perhaps its the lack of fat but whatever its a great side affect!
   — bob-haller

January 1, 2002
This is a good thing to be aware of. I never had a noticeable problem pre-op. Post-op I have had some bad days. It seems to drain fine through my empty stomach, so swallowing isn't bad in general. But if I'm full, then it tends to back up. I've had some vommiting from too much nasal drainage on top of a full tummy. My only solution has been to try to be aware of it and be more careful of eating too much when I'm also draining. The nice thing is that I can now tell the difference and when it's drainage then I know nothing is wrong and the icky feeling will just pass.
   — kcanges

January 2, 2002
I am 2 weeks post-op and I have not used my nose spray once since surgery. I used Afrin (the Costco generic actually) a couple times a days for several years pre-op. I still have some congestion but it is much better and was immediately after surgery. Weird huh?
   — crishsapig

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