I need some advice on the next feew weeks to come.

I am having surgery next month and I am getting very nervous and I wanted to know what kind of things to expect before and after my surgery. My Dr. has been very helpful but I want to hear from the people who have been through it before. I am having the LAP RNY. Any comments would help greatly.    — Nicole J. (posted on April 9, 2001)

April 9, 2001
Nicole, Today is my 8 week mark from my Lap RNY. Before my surgery, it was life as usual. I didn't find myself having many "last meals"...I just wanted to get my surgery behind me. I did have quite extensive pre-op tests, but I have asthma and other problems. 24 hours prior to my surgery I started on clear liquids (although every doctor is different). My surgery was scheduled at 9;30 a.m. on a Monday. I didn't get to surgery until around 10:00 a.m. and woke up in recovery around 1:00. I was not in any pain but I was very nauseas. They gave me meds to help that. I was surprised how well I could move around. I did have a JP drain in my side that remained there for 8 days. It was bothersome, but not painful. I was walking that night and the doctor ordered my catheter removed that night as well. My husband brought our 3 kids (12, 7, 5) to visit me that night. I really was feeling fine - just sore, but no pain. I went home the next day. On Thursday (3 days after surgery) my husband drove me to the grocery store. It felt good getting out. On Saturday (5 days post-op) I was driving myself, shopping, and sewing for my daughters. I went back to work on day 8 (Monday was a holiday). I got my drain pulled that day and the next day started walking 1 mile daily. I've had a few bouts of dry heaving - mostly because I ate too fast. Recently, I've had no problems with food -but I am also rrreeeaaalllyy careful! I don't eat breads, minimal carbs in all. I don't eat much sugar and really concentrate on protein. I feel great. My iron level is a little low so I'm on a supplement, but other than that my blood work is great. I take a Flintstones chewable daily also. I've lost 49 pounds in the past 8 weeks. I've hit two plateaus, but concentrate on high protein and water increase during those times, as well as increased exercise. It is by far, the best decision I have ever made and I have no regrets! Good luck to you.
   — T.L. S.

April 9, 2001
Hi! I got nervous too. I hit my eight weeks this week too. In the hospital my incisions were sore, but thank God for Morphine. I walked around within an hour of getting into my room and was in the hospital for two days. The one thing I kept telling myself is "this is only temporary, and it is for a good cause in my life" The tube in the nose was a discomfort and the I did not even know there was a tube coming out of my stomach. The worst in the hospital for me was my mouth getting gummy because I needed to brush my teeth and wet my mouth. Once I cleaned my teeth and rinsed my mouth out, I was much better. You will sleep walk and sleep and walk in the hospital that is it. The moment I got into my comfortable Navigator for the drive home, my recovery improved 100%. I got most my energy back in about two weeks to become fully normal again and was sleeping on my stomach within the first week. I hope this helped you. I have had absoluetely NO side effects. No nausea, no dumping , no hairloss, nothing. I hit one plateau and it lasted five days. I just kicked up the protein and actually had a few extra calories .....that broke it and I lost four pounds overnight. Goodluck...just remember the hospital stay is temporary. I also believe your recovery will be based on your mental preparation. be prepared and determined to recover quickly and you will.
   — Patricia C.

July 2, 2001
Hi, saw your letter and had to answer. It is very normal to be scared. I sure was and I am 3 weeks postop. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. I had a DS and it went very well, thank God. In the hospital you will be helped with everything. If you ever need to talk just send me an e-mail at [email protected] I will pray for you.
   — Janet P.

August 22, 2001
Hi, I too am only two weeks away from my open rny with Dr. Warnock. I have so many gitters and questions that I have probably drove my Angel crazy. But no matter how many times I may ask the same question over and over she always answers with delight and happiness. If you don't have an Angel yet just look at your peers in your area and e-mail them. I pretty sure someone will be just as delighted to be your Angel as Sharon was to be mine. I can't wait untill I am post-op so that I can be an Angel to another nervous and excited soul. Good Luck and may God be with you.
   — Brenda C.

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