Can a colonic or 'colonic hydrotherapy' be bowel prep?

I ususally get colonics to cleanse my lower intestines which include the small and large intestines. Can that take the place of a bowel prep?    — corpdiva2006 (posted on January 20, 2001)

January 20, 2001
you know I really don't know the answer to this but was wondering if it's still safe to get these after surgery?
   — Marie L.

January 21, 2001
Colonics do not cleanse the small intestine. At most, they reach the transverse large intestine. So, no, they are not an acceptable 'cleanse' as prep for surgery. Just follow what the surgeon recommends...that will be sufficient. As for ccolonics afterward, if there is no medical contraindication for having them, go for it. I personally would feel better since they tend to remove anything that is undigested and still hanging up in there.
   — merri B.

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