I am six weeks post-op are there any medications I can take for upset stomach?

   — Paul J. (posted on July 19, 2004)

July 19, 2004
I wast told to take liquid Mylanta, if that doesn't help, call the dr. I was given protonix for acid reflux.
   — acluff

July 19, 2004
For the first 3 months my surgeon has all his patients on prevacid. Check with your surgeon about getting you on Nexium or prevacid this may help greatly. Hope you feel better.
   — Karen Renee

July 19, 2004
This is what not to take. I was told by my daughters pediatrion (sp) that Pepto Bismo has asperin in it. I can't remember what she said to take instead but stay away from that.
   — Cameron Van Winkle

July 19, 2004
Call the surgeons office and 1st ask if this is NORMAL.. If your on a liquid diet or soft foods diet at 6wks post-op, you should be having very loose bm's. Once you tell them eactly whats going on they tell you that this should or should not be happening, ask for a medication to take for a little while.
   — smoore_911

July 19, 2004
I was nauseous for the first few months. The thing that helped me the most was peppermint tea... the real thing. Check the ingredients. The tea should be made up of peppermint leaves. You can get it at GNC or some larger supermarkets.
   — mom2jtx3

July 19, 2004
Definitely talk to your doctor. I didn't have much problem with upset stomach once I started taking a pepcid AC everyday. Doctor said take one everyday for the first year. However, our bariatric coordinator says that the protein drinks can cause nausea ibn some people. I do find that if I drink a protein drink too quickly, I'll get nauseated so I have to consciously drink more slowly.
   — scbabe

July 20, 2004
I agree with the check your doctor part...for me when my stomach was upset I got a RX for compazine (my spelling is off I'm sure) & it worked great. Hope you feel better!
   — klinzey

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