I am 6 weeks out and my incision is itching nonstop. Is it normal??

It is driving me crazy! Sometimes I have pain in my incision too.    — S A. (posted on July 15, 2003)

July 15, 2003
yep... it's normal! It's healing!! :~) If it gets excruitaing (the pain in the incision) talk to your doc... it will hurt, but shouldn't be that unbearable at 6 weeks out!
   — Sharon M. B.

July 15, 2003
Hi Sondra- When I had my gall bladder removed non-LAP about 17 years ago, my incision became red, inflamed and itchy like crazy. I think some degree of itchiness is normal, but if its too out of control, I would ask your surgeon or PCP. In my case, I'd had an allergy to the tape that was on it. They prescribed hydrocortisone cream aaahhh what a relief :o) Good Luck!
   — Mea A.

July 15, 2003
Yes! And unfortunately, it gets worse before it gets better. It took about 4 months for mine to stop. Sorry!
   — Patty_Butler

July 15, 2003
Did you have any kind of surgical tape on your incision? I had an allergic reaction to mine that was still going on weeks after it had been removed. I used a steroid cream for a week or less and it was all better.
   — Carol S.

July 15, 2003
I'm at 3 months post and still surgical tape on me, just normal healing... I use Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Soothing Relief Anti-itch Moisturizer - it works like a champ.
   — Judy N.

July 15, 2003
Yup - mine itched for about 4 months as well. Aloe Vera gel (available cheaply at Walmart) helps a ton!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 17, 2003
Gosh darnit, I love this site it constantly makes the experience much more paletable as time goes by. But do I really have to deal with the itching for such a long time. I figured once my doc removes my staples, hopefully when I see him next week, the itching would subside. No such luck huh? I am going out soon to get some aloe vera cream as someone mentioned. I hope it will help.
   — Rosa F.

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