Is there anyone post op who hasnt lost their hair?

Is there anyone out there post-op who hasn't lost their hair? And if you do lose your hair, will it eventually grow back? If you did lose hair, how much?    — blank first name B. (posted on December 28, 2001)

December 28, 2001
I'm 9.5 months post-op and am sad to say I lost about 60% of my hair. There are totally bald spots. If I were more of a "vain" person I'm sure I would be wearing a wig. Many of my friends/family have commented on the loss. Fortunately, about a month ago I stopped losing weight, and I'm just waiting for the hair to grow back. I've heard from others on this board that the hair falls out in months 4-8, stops in months 9-10 and grows back months 11-14.
   — [Anonymous]

December 28, 2001
I probably lost about one-quarter of my hair starting about 4 months post-op and continuing for about 6 weeks or so. However, I stopped losing it after that and I think it's mainly grown back in (I'm about 7 months post-op now). I have heard that the more protein you eat, the less hair you'll lose. But I don't know that for a fact. Good luck!
   — Mary Ellen W.

December 28, 2001
I am just over five months post op and have lost a ton of hair. I had thin hair to begin with - so this is NOT fun for me. I have started using Nioxin shampoo, etc., taking zinc, all my multi-vitamins, and some kind of supplement for hair and nails. ANYTHING to help. It does seem to be slowing (I started losing it at 4 months exactly!). I pray for it to return to normal. However, my DH always says I think it looks worse than it does - normal for me!! AND, for the 70 lbs I've lost, I'll trade the hair loss - because I know IT'S temporary and the weight loss is permanent, this time! Best of luck to you. Open RNY 7/17/01.
   — blee01

December 28, 2001
At 3+ years post-op, hair loss is regained. Still using Nioxin hair products and am very satisfied. Try them, you'll like them.
   — marie W.

December 28, 2001
I am over five months post op and haven't lost much hair. My husband says he's been seeing some red hair in the shower drain (I have red(ish) hair)but it's so gradual it took him telling me that for me to realize I was loosing some. I assumed it was his, as he looses much more than I ever have ( and he didn't have surgery) I guess that's why he inspects I can eat more than many post ops at my phase so purhapes I'm getting all the necessary nutrients in my food. (assuming that is the problem). -Kim
   — KimBo36

December 28, 2001
Hi I am a new post -op by two weeks and I have noticed very little hair loss. It just looks like usual shedding this time of the year. Of course I have a long way to go. Good Luck.
   — Brenda E.

December 29, 2001
Jan 8th, I'll be eight months post op (Open RNY) and have'nt lost ANY hair! (Sure we all lose tiny unnoticeable strands durning our life- I don't mean that). But nothing at all that I could ever notice. ZIPPO! You would never know I had a bypass from looking at my hair. No problems with it at all. :)
   — Danmark

December 29, 2001
i am exactly four months postop and have started to lose hair. And my hair was thinning prior to surgery, so I am not surprised, but a little distressed. I am a brunette by birth and a bottle blonde. I am desperately in need of a dye job, but am holding out, two inch roots and all, to prevent further stress to the hair shaft. However, looking like hell or having thinning hair [i can see scalp if i look ] are both undesirable. I intend to decide within ten days whether to cut it shorter [my hair is very short to begin with] and be dark again for awhile, or just get my hairdresser to know for sure and work her blonde magic. :)
   — michelle R.

January 23, 2003
I am exactly 4 months post-op and have not had any hair loss. I make sure I get a minimum of 60 grams of protein a day. I am hoping my good luck holds out and that I don't have any major hair loss down the road. Gina
   — Gina P.

January 23, 2003
I am 3 months, 1 week post op, and haven't lost a hair. Figures, of course, since I've got a lot of hair, and could afford to lose some -- while those that tend to need their hair lose it! I am crazy about keeping my protein up -- I average about 90 g. a day, and have been taking a biotin a day since a week before surgery. I don't know what is causing me to keep my hair...but I'm not complaining.
   — Tamara K.

July 11, 2003
At exactly 4 months post-op(2 weeks ago for me) & -70 lbs, My hair is starting to fall out....It's scary to look at the brush! I have tons of hair but the strands are fine...not course & know the "body"...thick, fine, long & straight....I also need some majot highlights & a trim but but at this point I don't dare! Even now when I just run my hand through my hair to straighten it...alot of hairs come out...I'm doing all the vitamins, protien drink, protien...yada-yada...All my bloodwork is normal...I think the key is just not obsessing over it...& just know that it will eventually grow back...I believe that losing 70 lbs in 4 months is a tremendous shock to the system (I can't even believe it when I say it out loud...!) I'll just take it one day at a time & try to deal with it as best I can!
   — Terri V.

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