Will a herniated disc prevent me from having surgery?

When I went to see my PCP to ask for a referral, I told her about my left leg going numb sometimes. She poked and proded my back and it hurt. She said that I might have a herniated disc that is causing it. Will they not do the surgery if this is true?    — Carole S. (posted on November 2, 2001)

November 2, 2001
I have L4-5 herniated disc, MRI detected 4/2000 low back, hip, thigh and right leg pain, I also have numbness in leg and big toe. I had surgery 1/17/2001 to date I'm 100+ lbs gone forever, this will not prevent you from having surgery in fact the weight loss helps. You have to decide what is good you and research, research to be aware of what this surgery will do for you, not your doctor. good luck feel free to email me
   — Jamie C.

November 2, 2001
I also have a herniated disc L4-L5. I am scheduled for surgery next friday. At the age of 22, I had my first ruptured disc, L5-S1, which ended in surgery. Now, ten years later I am going down the same road. I have tried different means for relief including meds, physical therapy, steroid injections, all with no relief. I have been told that taking the weight off will relieve a lot of the pressure of the discs, but no cure I'm sure. I have met someone in the support group where I go who also battled degenerative disc disease and she is now almost pain free after taking off most of her excess poundage. It was considered a comorbidity for me. I am holding on to a lot of hope that this will bring me some relief. I hope you find relief also as this is something that is hard to live with. Good Luck.
   — Cheri M.

November 2, 2001
Me too! L4 & L5, had my RNY on 7/16, 80 pounds gone and while the back still isn't good, its better. The most significant thing is that I can spend a longer time on my feet before my right leg goes numb.
   — Dee P.

November 3, 2001
In 1997, I was pregnant with my 3rd son when I ruptured my L3-L4. It went undignosed for over 10 weeks. They said it was just my syatica. I finally said I am not taking that for an explnation and they did an MRI. It was so bad I had the operation 1 week later. Because it went untreated for so long I have permenent nerve damage in my legs. I had a DS on 8/30/01. I am down 44 lbs and It has gotten a little better, I is still really painful around that "time of the month" if you know what I mean. My Doc said there is no guarentee that the surgery will help the back pain. He said there are people skinner than him that have back pain. Hope that helps!!
   — Jody Diou

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