Has anyone had the shot in their back?

what is the name of the shot that i've heard some people get in their back to numb everything? is it necessary?    — Tricia C. (posted on September 27, 2001)

September 27, 2001
It's called an epidural, and it's perhaps most commonly used in childbirth. Personally, I hate them--the stick in the back is pretty fierce, so I just avoid them entirely now. Some people absolutely love them, so I guess it all just depends on you. I don't know of any surgeon that <i>requires</i> an epidural, but then again, I don't know every surgeon, either.
   — Suzanne B.

September 27, 2001
I've had three epidurals, one for each childbirth. The stick in my experience is more scary than painful. I was told to stay perfectly still but the idea of a needle going into my spine had me shaking. The epidural with my last daughter did not "take". Luckily, she was not a big baby and the labor only lasted 20 minutes! For my tubal ligation the following day, I needed to be put under general anesthesia anyway. I had hoped to avoid that with the epidural. They do numb your back with lidocaine or something similiar. That shot has a strong sting, but its quick and not unbearable. With all three epidurals, I was left with a lump on my back that remained for about a year. It wasn't painful exactly, but achy especially when the weather was damp and chilly. This is my experience, hope it helps.
   — Donna L.

September 27, 2001
I was told that the shot was in place of the pain meds. Some people are allergic to the meds or are like me and just get to sick. I'm not sure if I am having the epidural yet. I had one with both my girls births and hardly felt it at all. If you are affraid on needles then it can be very intimidating, just don't look at it. I have never heard of it being a requirement. Hope this helps.
   — Kelly C.

October 15, 2001
I TRIED to have an epidural with my baby, but the doc couldn't get the needle where it needed to be. He said I was too fat and he had no idea where he was. Just thought I would mention it...wound up numbing my thigh from knee to hip really well, but that didn't help my labor any! It didn't hurt me to get it, just wish it had worked!
   — Mrs B.

April 7, 2002
Hi! i wouldnt worry too much about the epedural, i had one while i was giving birth to my son (silly me i thought i could go natural..HA!) anyway, there's a little pain, especially if the doctor has bad aim, but afterwards, you wont feel a thing. Its worth it. Oddly enough, not too long after i had the baby, i was up and walking around without a problem :)
   — Christina S.

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