What can I do to calm cough that produces mucous?

I've read through the library and found that it is common for post-ops to develope a nagging cough with mucous. I also read that it goes away in time. However, I didn't see much in ways of easing it until it does go away. I have been drinking plenty of water to try and thin it out, and also applying a chest topical for congestions to no avail. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! -Kim    — KimBo36 (posted on August 24, 2001)

August 23, 2001
Try having someone lightly drum you on the back with their open palms or slightly balled up fists, but not directly over your lungs. I've had chronic asthma and bronchitis for over 40 years and this is the best way by far of getting everything broken up in there so you can get rid of it.
   — Vicki H.

August 24, 2001
Coughing is the bodies way of cleaning out the lungs, your doing the right thing with increasing your liquids to thin the mucous, you might find warm liquids soothing for a cough along with breathing steam, like running a humidifier. If at any time the mucous turns from white to anyother color, thats the time to get in to see a dr, colored mucous means infection.
   — Helen B.

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