Am I underweight?

The doc my ins. people want to use says I have to be 225 pounds.I weight 210 pounds and am 5'2" tall. I should weigh between 105-115 pounds. The doctor that my insurance agency sends people to says that I should realisticly weigh 125 pounds. I am small boned and this weight is killing me. I am 100 pounds overweight, but they said that I have to weigh 225 pounds before they would even consider me. I feel very let down because of this. I also have co-moribidies. I have very high cholesterol and lipids, but my BMI is only 38. Has anyone else had any problems like this? I would really like to have the RNY procedure done. If anyone has any answers, please share them with me. Thanks.    — Kimberly H. (posted on January 21, 2001)

January 21, 2001
I had open distal RNY 10/12/90. My BMI was only 38, but my co-morbidities included poorly controlled hypertension, hyperlipidemia (like you), and GERD. My family history included diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. My insurance company approved me w/o a problem, because it follows the NIH guidelines (BMI of 35 with signficant co-morbids). An acquaintance of mine made herself gain about 30 lbs to push her BMI to 41, "just in case," but I would consider this a last resort. Good luck.
   — Linda B.

January 22, 2001
Strap some ankle weights around your ankles and anything else that would add a few pounds to you. Hide it where ever you can. There is no reason to make your self feel miserable by actually putting on 30 more pounds to get into this thing. There are other ways
   — K T.

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