Am I going to miss my window of opportunity?

I lost 40 pounds in the first 4 weeks after surgery. Now, I have plateaued for the last 4 weeks. I am getting so discouraged. I am so worried that I will not lose fast enough and totally miss my window of opportunity. I realize I am not even two months postop yet but was anyone else in my situation. I have heard you lose the most in the first six months. At this rate I will never get rid of this weight! Protein is a big problem for me and I struggle everyday and get in about 30 grams.    — Jeannie4 (posted on September 3, 2003)

September 3, 2003
You need to get in at least 60-80 grams of protein a day. I Know that sounds like alot but it is the best way to keep the weight coming off.Also keep your carbs down to a minimum. I have a protien shake aday consisting of 35grams of protein and only 2 carbs. Its ready made and called Pure Protein and it is made by Worldwide Sports Nutrition. But always remember Protein first. If there is anythiong else I can help you with feel free to email me [email protected].
   — jwd430

September 3, 2003
You need more protein than that to keep your body losing. I was told my body uses 50% more effort to metabolize protein than and only 10% effort metabolize carbohydrates. Carbs burn more slowly and that why you'll lose more slowly if you have a lot of carbs per day. Also are you getting in 64 oz. (minimum) of water per day? That also helps.
   — Cathy S.

September 3, 2003
I plateau for 3 weeks out of every month - then out of now where I drop alot of weight. I have done this every month for the last 5. Hang in there. If you stick to the program, it will come off. You need at least 60 grams of protein each day or you will lose muscle tone!! Also take everyone' advice and remember to eat your required amounts of everthing on your diet - every day. If you eat too little your body will think it is starving and it will hang onto every ounce.
   — M B.

September 3, 2003
I did the same thing w/ the early (or so I thought) plateu. Of course when I went in for my check up my dr laughed and said, if you kept losing at the rate you started there would be nothing left of you by summer. And I had been thinking I had major surgery to only lose 30 # . now it is 115 in 11 months and I am tickled pink and couldnot be more thrilled with my results.
   — **willow**

September 3, 2003
With all due respect to the other posters, you do not need at least 60 grams of protein to lose if you are on food only and your body is in max ketosis. The ketosis protects your body from going after the protein and muscle in your body and instead uses the fat stores for energy, buring the fat. It also did not slow the weight loss, as the ketosis kicks that into high gear. <p>However, if this poster's eating plan is using protein drinks and her plan allows more than really low carbs, then the 60 grams is critical, as well as getting 600 calories, which can only be done with protein drinks at this stage. No one can eat enough food at this stage to get to 60 grams. This is assuming the person had an RNY. I can now get in 75-110 grams of protein but I am 7 months out. So whether the 30 grams is acceptable or not depends totally on your post-op eating plan. I was getting in about 35-40 grams at the same stage, but again my plan was total food (no protein drinks) and used max ketosis. <p>As far as your window of opportunity do not panic. You are at an average of 20 lbs a month. I am 7 months today and have lost a total of 162 and 141 since surgery, which is an average of 20 lbs a month. I lost 40-45 at 2 months, so I was no further ahead than you. I was also a SMO and assumed I would lose like 40 lbs the first month but lost 22. <p>Like the others said take a look at what you can do to up the protein. Get in your water, as that is very important too. Watch the carbs and take some strolls around the block. Do not sweat the plateau, as the weight will move as long as you do your part. Your body is still doing lots of healing and adjusting, so give it the time it needs to heal, keep doing what you should be, and it will all balance out in the end. Have Faith!
   — zoedogcbr

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