Why did I do this to myself. I can't eat anything but liquids.

I am 3 weeks postop and having a bad start. I went in last weekend to have my EGD done but they couldn't do it because my esophagus was so swollen. So I was admitted and put back onto the liquids only. Now today I was given the okay to start soft foods. I tried some egg salad for lunch (3 bites) and ended up throwing it up. Please tell me it will get better. I am going to have to call my surgeon again and tell him the solids aren't going down. Any help??    — Jeannie4 (posted on August 1, 2003)

August 1, 2003
Most of us have felt at least momentarily the same you're feeling-- wondering why we submitted to such invasive and life-altering surgery. For me it happened from weeks 3 to 6 when a head cold and being in high ketosis altered my taste buds so that nothing tasted good, made me nauseous and prevented anything from staying down for longer than an hour (the post-nasal drip would fill me up and make me yack). As a result, I had to go back to cloudy liquids. In retrospect I know that it has all been for my better--- I am a size below what I had set for my goal and am motivated to lose even more weight. And, I am healthy-- not kind-of-healthy-for-a-big-guy-- but, absolutely healthy with normal blood pressure, no arthritic pain (anymore) and an end to the many other weight-related maladies that had plagued me. In short, I revel in the new life WLS has made possible and I don't regret or begrudge a single moment of feeling sick that I experienced in the process. I wish that I had been a little more objective when I was going through the period that you are enduring-- I wish that I had sought the advice of others like you are doing with this posting. You will get through this, not simply because you have no choice,but,because on some level you appreciate that this surgery will give you control over the food demons that had controlled your life earlier. Good luck- try to remember that you are not alone.
   — SteveColarossi

August 1, 2003
some doctors keep you on the liquid phase for about 4 weeks then moving to puree for 4 weeks then to soft solids. every doctor is different. this of you new stomach as a new born baby's. babys start on liquids, puree ect.. alot of healing must take place with your new body. i would stay on liquids as long as it takes to make sure i am healed properly. if you start eating too soon you could cause yourself more problems in the future. just like every doctor is different in what he tells people to do, so is everyone's new stomach. give your body a chance to heal....dont push it. good luck to you and i hope you feel better soon.
   — franbvan

August 1, 2003
Jeanne, I'm so sorry that you are throwing up. I can hear your frustration. I am 3 weeks out as well, and luckily never have thrown up, however, I drank water and a cup of milk three times a day for two whole weeks. And even now, I am eating mush i.e., jello, cottage cheese, refried beans, a poached egg,yogurt, oatmeal etc. anything more solid kinda hurts and scares me. Maybe try staying on milk for the protein and nutrients for a while. Make sure you are taking chewable vitamins and drink at minimum 32 oz. of water a day. This time WILL pass and the results will be soooo worth it. We are still recovering from anesthesia and it makes us feel yucky and depressed. Don't lose hope. Think of the weight you have lost so far, and remember how badly we wanted this before surgery. It will pass, take it easy on your tummy, it's scared too.
   — Michele B.

August 4, 2003
Well have you had your good cry yet? I did that about the eighth day. im now going on 6 weeks and i was feeling the same way you were. If it werent for pop sicles i would have dried up. oh it will get better. after 6 weeks i still feel no hunger and have been back to my primary doctor 4 times. On top of not being able to get anything down i had drainage and holes opening up all over my incision enough drainage i was going through several pad changes a day. everyone goes through thier own hell after the surgery. get some ceam of wheat and just take a bite, work towards keeping that down. Try some yogurt a bite or two then stop. you can live a long time without the food focus on the fluids. get some no sugar added ice cream and just let it melt in your mouth just a baby spoon full and if that feels ok try another. you will be amazed how much better you will feel over the next 2 weeks. one night i was crying to my husband about how could something that was suppose to be the changing point in my life end up so bad? but now that im a little farther along than you i can say it will get better and 4 weeks ago i was sure i might as well pick out a grave sight i just new i was going to die and was almost wishing for it. If you can get out and walk it wont feel very good at the time but even if its just half a block it will loosen up all the tightness and help you get moving. My doctor also put me on motrin and tylenol to help with the inflamation. That was a God send. good luck and i would say dont give up but there is no giving up its not like you can say forget it and go on a eating spree. carolyn wells
   — carolyn W.

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