Is there a way to get over dumping faster?

Wash it away with water? Sleep it off?    — Jennifer E. (posted on January 20, 2003)

January 20, 2003
If I start having the dumping syndrome I immediately lie on my left side. Although this doesn't make it go makes it a little easier to tolerate.
   — Vicki S.

January 20, 2003
I agree, laying down helps you feel much better. I haven't tried drinking more water, but it wouldn't seem like that would help, as the problem frequently comes from the food (sugars, fats) getting into the small intestines too quickly from the stomcah.
   — Darlene P.

January 20, 2003
Not trying to be rude or anything but what would the point of dumping be if we could get over it quickly? We'd never learn anything.. just how to get around it. LOL I'm not saying you always dump on bad foods either because I've dupmed on tuna before.. something supposedly good for me. But everybody is different. I hate dumping when I'm dumping but so glad I do. That way I get to learn my body and know what it needs and doesn't. Good luck & God Bless!
   — Diana L.

January 20, 2003
If you are truly dumping the last thing you want to do is drink. The intestine absorbs liquids when you dump, if you give it liquid it will extend the dump. I found laying on my right side helped. I always go to my right side when I feel sick, even before surgery when I'd like have the stomach flu. good luck!
   — Becky K.

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