How can I stop this?

This week I have been having ALOT of problems with vomitting. Anything and everything including liquids. I was given meds by my Surgeon for removing any acid in my pouch and emptying my pouch quickly, however after I take the meds, I vomit which makes them pointless. I am getting worried. I wake up with a full feeling even though I havent eaten in over 8 hours and the full feeling stays all day as I drink and eat, then I end up throwing up everything. What could this be and how can I treat it? Thanks guys!    — Stephanie B. (posted on November 7, 2002)

November 7, 2002
If you haven't contacted your surgeon, do so. You may have a stricture that developed and will need a scope, or perhaps something got stuck in the stoma opening. Check it out. I had something similar occur at 5 days post-op and it turned out to be a kinked bowel which caused an open emergency surgery, so don't wait, call now.
   — Cindy R.

November 7, 2002
hiya...i agree - contact your surgeon asap! this is not normal. {{hugs}} kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

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