How long do staples usually stay in?

I am 4 days post op and obviously having them out now would be premature... but they gross me out.I dont like to look at them.When, oh when do they go away?Does it hurt to have them removed?Will it help to put anything on it now like neosporin?    — Stephanie H. (posted on January 18, 2002)

January 18, 2002
My surgeon doesn't use staples, just steri strips externally. I had a "tummy tuck" about 6 weeks ago and that surgeon used staples. The first 27 (yes, you read right) came out at the first week check up along with the first drain. The other half were removed at the 2 week check up. NO........the don't want you to put anything on the incision. Just wash it and keep it clean. I have an allergy to adhesives so before my time was up to have the steri strips removed, I was miserable. The doctor ended up telling me to removed them early (rmember, these weren't staples) and putting hydrocortosine cream on it for the itching and rash from the adhesive. I would imagine that you will get the staples out at your check up.
   — livnliter

January 18, 2002
My surgeon removed mine two days after my surgery when I was getting ready to go home.
   — Helen C.

January 19, 2002
I had 17 staples with my Open RNY. One came out at about 2 weeks on its own. I had the others taken out when I was 3 1/2 weeks post op. Then I had steri-strips on for about a week. Felt like forever. I won't complain because the scar looks and feels great. I won't say that having them out was painless because, for me, it wasn't. About half pinched, a few quite deeply. The others I didn't even feel. Just keep in mind that its over in a matter of maybe 30 seconds. Don't let this scare you, many people feel no pain whatsoever. I wish that for you, but either way its not a huge ordeal at all.
   — Donna L.

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