What is this pain?

Last night I had lifted 25 pounds of laundry and took it downstairs and out to the car so I can get them washed. My husband had shoulder surgery so he couldnt carry it. After I got it into the car, my tummy hurt. From the middle of my scar to the bottom of it and a little to the left. After a few hours, I was putting my daughter to bed, laying next her, I leaned over on my left side to kiss her and it hurt really bad. I got up with much pain and got very nervous. The weird thing is it doesnt hurt getting up from a sitting position, it doesnt hurt sitting or walking, just laying. The area that hurts is tender to the touch, and sends a wave of pain and burning when I press lighty, only in a laying position. I feel no lump. When laying in bed, my tummy and side feels like the way it did after a fews after surgery. What could I have done? I had an open rny on Nov 8th. Any ideas?    — Laurie L. (posted on December 15, 2001)

December 14, 2001
Hi Laurie, I had the same thing happen to me after my surgery, It most likely is muscle pain, keep the lifting to a minimum and do hot& cold compresses for the pain and liquid tylenol also. It will take a little while to get better but it will.
   — Heather D.

December 15, 2001
Personally I would'nt take a chance. Do you have insurance that would cover a emergency room visit? It's personal choice, but I think you would be wise to have it looked at.
   — Danmark

December 15, 2001
It's probably muscle pain. I had my open -ryn 11/1 not to far from you and we were told not to lift over 5lbs. I know in the reality of life things happen but next time please, if you have to make two trips do than then risk putting yourself in pain. Divide the laundry into smaller loads and enlist your daughter's help (if she is big enough) to help mommy carry a smaller load of laundry downstair okay? I would contact my surgeon and make him or her is aware of what has happen and let him or her advise about the seriousness of the pain, especially if it continues to persist.
   — Gwen M.

December 15, 2001
laurie sounds to me like u strained already weak muscles & they r letting u know...DONT DO THIS TO ME AGAIN OK???? divide heavy loads into smaller lighter ones & make the extra trips. the walking is mandatory anyway so u sure arent losing anything by doing it. i have had an abdominal incisional hernia for 27 years now. it has never caused me a moments trouble or pain which is strange cause its from my breast bone to my navel. in fact, its going to be fixed tuesday after my wls because its necessary as i will be 'open' in the same area & the repair is crucial to my healing. i would definitely call the dr on monday & tell them what happened & see what he says. good luck & much success being a loser.
   — sheryl titone

December 15, 2001
I would talk to your doctor about the pain and let him know what you did. I weighed a half-basket of laundry one day and to my surprise it was over 10 lbs. Also be aware, a gallon of milk is 10 lbs. Yikes.
   — Cheri M.

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