How long after surgery is there a risk of blood clots

   — blank first name B. (posted on October 13, 2001)

October 13, 2001
hello, I asked my surgeon the same question at my consult, and he said that you would be likely to get them the first 3 days but are at risk for about 10 days. This is one of my greatest fears. your amos pal..
   — clightfoot

October 13, 2001
I through a emblolism to the lung the day after surgery.
   — Marie B.

October 14, 2001
I've heard of someone having a bloodclot at 6 months postop. His surgeon attributed it to a postop complication. I've also heard of someone having one at 3 months. Stay active and get your followup checkups!
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 5, 2002
I just got out of the hospital, 3 mos post op, with a pulmonary embolism. I walk or run or do aerobics four or five times a week (3 miles each time), and I'm 27. Please do not underestimate the danger that blood clots can cause - it's not just inactivity that causes them. Would that I knew what does, though!
   — R J.

January 2, 2005
Other causes for blood clots (and it is a big one) is birth control pills. Have you noticed there are fewer men with blood clots. One of the adverse effects of birth control pills are blood clots and pulmonary embolism, surgery anywhere in the body increases the risk. Read the package insert from your birth control.
   — pammatria

January 2, 2005
In the classes my surgeon's office required before surgery, they emphasized that movement the first 3-6 months was so important to stave off the risk of pulmonary embolism. That's why they taught breathing exercises and forced everyone up and walking while they were in the hospital. Even at my first follow-up visits for 6 weeks or so, I got the lecture on walking and movement is critical.
   — Cathy S.

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