Is binge eating prior to surgery common?

For the last six weeks I have been learning everything I can about weight loss surgery. I've found myself eating everything and anything in site. Have others experienced this, and if so any suggestions on how to get things under control?    — David U. (posted on June 19, 2001)

June 19, 2001
I was exactly the same way! Especially the last few weeks before surgery. I'm pretty sure it is common not only because of the stress of it all but also feeling like you're never going to be able to eat the foods you want ever again.I had BPD/DS and eat pretty much whatever I want to (other than sugar) so I can honestly say I'm not deprived. 4 1/2 months post op -83lbs. Don't worry,It's normal! Good luck on your surgery.
   — Vel K.

June 19, 2001
I am 9 days post op... just got home yesterday though and I am convinced that binge eating prior to my lap RNY were the cause of my minor but annoying complications. Eat the foods you will miss but dont stuff yourself silly. My husband took me out to dinner every night for a week and the portion sizes I consumed were ridiculous. I had a steak 5 days before my surgery that was embarrassing. I didnt eat the day prior to surgery as instructed... however, my intestines didnt recover quickly after my procedure and it took several days extra in the hospital for my bowels to be able to clear food top to the trapped gas in my mid intestines was unbelieveable. I think my last dinners may have given me an extra 4 days in the hospital! Be reasonable, not gluttonous.
   — SusanMaria

June 19, 2001
David, try to relax. Almost everyone goes thru the same phase. My surgeon told me he wanted me to lose 25 lbs before surgery. Instead, I gained 5 lbs. I was sure I would never be able to eat "bad" foods again, and I wanted to shovel as much junk as possible into my face while I had a chance. Well, here I am, almost 10 months post-op, and lovin' every minute of life (including my relationship with food). In no way do I feel deprived at all. I eat without concern. That's right, I eat fats, sweets, and dairy at times. But mostly, I follow "The Rules" of post-op diet (water, protein, vitamins, etc). However, I drink while I eat, and I still haven't begun any kind of exercise program. Once I got past the third month, I promised myself I was going to try to be a "normal" eater. Note that before surgery, I was anything but a normal eater, consuming more food at a sitting than humanly possible. I do eat a lot of food for an Open RNY person, but it's only about 40% of what I used to eat. How has this "suicidal" approach worked??? I have lost all the weight I was hoping to lose (165 lbs). I started at 375 lbs. I'm 42 yrs old. Maybe I will lose more - who knows? I don't think about it much. The main point I want to make is that it doesn't have to be as grueling as many people make it out to be - being paranoid about every bite we put into our mouth. I feel we just need to be on a positive "trend" - moving in the right direction in a weekly or monthly time frame - not every single meal. Might I be even thinner at this point had I taken a more compulsive approach. Yes, almost certainly. Maybe I would weigh 202 or even 195 now. But, I'm now into 36" pants (and they're feeling a little loose)as well as XL shirts (I started at a 63" waist and 5XL shirts). I've never lost sight that this surgery was about regaining my health (which was deteriorating rapidly). And to that end, I was "at goal" 75 pounds ago (when I was able to play with my daughter without giving out in 2-3 minutes). The rest of this is just gravy. Good luck to you!!! I'm sure you're going to do fine. Kevin
   — meilankev

June 19, 2001
You betcha! I called it my "last supper syndrome" lol Eat it before I could'nt eat it anymore. So glad I went to Long John Silvers before the surgery. I may never be able to enjoy their fish or shrimp again. :( But at least I enjoyed "my last supper". Have a good day!
   — Danmark

June 20, 2001
Hello. When I found out the date of my surgery I went out and bought a bunch of junk food and ate most of it. Then I began reading about people who gain weight before surgery and thought that it was ridiculous for me to run around like a fool (which I was) eating everything. So I did my "last meal" in May. My surgery is this coming Tuesday (6/26/01) and I am actually still trying to lose a few pounds (I've lost 6 since the initial consult). Like all the others say, indulge yourself, but don't go crazy. Best of all, stop at least 2-3 weeks prior to surgery. I think that will help me. Hope it helps you.
   — Kimberly L.

June 20, 2001
David - I agree with what the others are saying, that it is common to have the "last supper" syndrome. But be aware that if you have always had a problem with uncontrollable binging (that is not JUST prior to surgery), then you may have an eating disorder called compulsive overeating disorder, also known as binge eating disorder. If you do have this problem, then its not likely to go away after surgery. In that case, you must seek counseling, obviously because if you binge after surgery, you can end up with major complications. You don't want that. If you don't usually binge, then you should be OK. Enjoy those foods now while you can! Of course I wouldn't advise a big steak right up to the midnight before surgery. Meat takes longer to go through yor system & you want your "pipes" to be clear for surgery! I'd kind of take it easy in the few days before surgery. I wish you well.
   — [Anonymous]

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