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I had an Open RNY (Long limb- whatever that is) on May 8, 2001. My Gallbladder was removed LAP on March 1, 2002. At a year post op I still feel like I've been run over by a truck and have no energy. Anyway I just had a complete physical today (with blood work). My B-12 is now ok (but I have twice monthly shots). I'm slightly anemic and my red blood cell size (?) is slightly large. Finally my potassium is 4! I've had dangerously low potassium for this last year and several emergency room visits with IV's for potassium replacement. Also I have the beginning (just slightly) of osterosparosis. Anyway, the doc did a rectal exam and found that I have Yellow Stool. It is my understanding that if the bypass is done right, we do not absorbe fat to well and it causes yellow stool. Is this right? Thanks.    — Danmark (posted on May 30, 2002)

May 30, 2002
Daniel, the yellow stool is from the bile that is entering the intestine further along than it usually does, coloring every thing in its path. Fresh bile is green, older bile is yellow. I wouldn't worry about that. What I am concerned about is your blood chemistry. Does your doc have you taking any nutritional supplements? Are you compliant in taking them? Remember we need more than just a multivitamin now. I take mega-doses of calcium, Vit D and A and am currently on an iron supplement since I lost a little blood during the panniculectomy. Having low electrolytes, including potassium, can be dangerous. Your fatigue is likely from that and the anemia. I suggest you consult with a nutritionist and your doc to see what foods and supplements you need to be focusing on. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

May 30, 2002
I just got my blood results back a couple of weeks ago and I was very disappointed with the results too. I was mildly anemic, low potassium (3.3), low thiamine and low protein. I've been REALLY good about taking my vitamins that my surgeon gave me. My PCP put me on a prescription potassium supplement (I take a 2 pills a day) and in just a week I do have to say I feel better. Still a little tired though. I have an appointment with my surgeon on Tuesday and I'm going to ask him about possibly taking my prescription iron and pre-natal vitamins on a daily basis rather then every other day. I think that would help tremendously. Ask your doctor about the prescription potassium (K-dur) it really has been a tremendous help and you don't want your potassium to get to low.
   — Patty H.

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