Has anyone else lost faster on one side of their body?

My left side (leg, arm, breast)is noticeably larger now than my right side.... I am nearly 6 mos. post-op RNY, and down about 65 pounds. Very odd, and I'm wonderining if I'm the only one.    — lpsrabbit (posted on August 29, 2001)

August 29, 2001
I was born like that. My left side is noticeably larger than my right. I was born with Poland Syndrome. I am missing my pectoral major muscle on my left side and my left arm has always been fatter than my right. I am hoping that when I lose all of my weight, plastic surgery will fix my problem.
   — Dawn H.

August 30, 2001
This happened to me, too. My doctor said not to worry about it, though. Your body isn't perfect, and it's going to eat up certain fat stores before others. HAPPY LOSING.
   — Terissa R.

September 7, 2003
Yeah I had that too my left side was a lot smaller than my right. My right side of my stomache hung a good 2 to 3 inches lower and stuck out 2 to 3 inches farther too. I am now in my 9th month and it's evening out a lot. I wouldn't worry about it. It'll even out as you lose more.
   — Mark L.

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