Just started and looking for help. I live in Pensacola, FL

I have decided that I want this surgery and I am ready to make a change in my life. I need this surgery as I have weight related problems. I have arthritis in my knees and ankles and back problems. I have hypertension, and GERD plus bladder problems. I am 29 years old with a wonderful supportive husband and family. I have fought weight all my life but I am bigger now than I have ever been. I want to enjoy all that life has to offer, but I can't with the weight holding me back. I get so tired out from just walking a little, and it hurts to exercise because of joint pain. I can't do a lot of normal everyday activities anymore and I am so sad from that. I want to get back into life, as I know life is so precious and a gift from God. I live in Pensacola, Florida and I am looking for advice on how to begin the surgery process. I know I need to make an appt. with a primary care doctor, which I will do soon. I am a big worry person!!! I am worried about insurance approval, as I have read about all of the horror stories. I have been on so many diets...but I don't know if I remember the exact date that I started some of them. If anyone would like to share their experience, please e-mail me. Would love to have some advice and support. Thanks to all who read my post.    — Robin G. (posted on July 29, 2001)

July 29, 2001
Hi robin, I started getting all my medical records in line first. I went to chiropractors that I had been to in the past also. Go to any dr.s in the past you can think of, even though it may not have any supervised diets on the paper work, it will show your weight each visit you made. They are gonna ask for these.Even any gyms you were in to show you tried. Maybe letters from your family. Anything pertaining to your weight. back, breathing, any co-morbidities you mentioned. It is hard to remember a lot of diets that are not supervised that we have done in the past, just do your best. marie Awbrey
   — Marie A.

July 29, 2001
I found that making sure you have all medical records, pictures of yourself (front and side). A letter to your insurance company regarding the emotional aspects of being overweight (not just health) along with a photo of you in maybe with friends or family (one showing you in your everyday life). If you have records from attendance in weight watchers, jenny craig or something of that sort, that is helpful as well. Make sure you keep an organized file of all your info and bring it with you to see your doctor. Things like that definitley speed up the process. It took one week for my surgery to be appoved and my date was set when I went in for my initial consultation.
   — SUNDAY G.

July 30, 2001
Hi Robin, I guess we are kind of neighbors. I live in Mobile,Al. I am 9 weeks post-op and I have lost 46lbs. I started at 280 Lbs. It was a long time before I made the decision to do the surgery, but I am so glad I did it!! I started out first by making an appt. with a surgeon here in Mobile with a good reputation that does bariatric surgery. When I had my consultation with him, he did a complete physical and explained the procedure and also told me what information I need to provide the insurance company with to get approval,(blue cross,blue shield). I had to provide my medical records for the past three years from three different doctors showing I have been 100lbs or more overweight consistently. No problem!!LOL. I did this by getting records from my gyn, primary doc, and any specialist I went to. I also had to give him a list of diets I had tried in the past and the results and if I had been to a doctor supervised weight loss program. Don't worry about the exact dates of your diets, I didn't remember mine exactly. The secretary in the doctors' office filled out the forms and sent it off to the insurance company and I got my answer back in three weeks. At the time I thought I was goint to have to pay 20% of the total cost but I found out a couple of weeks ago that the company I work for had changed plans and I only had to pay a $100 deductible in all. The first couple of weeks I wondered why in the world I had done this but now I wonder why I didn't do it sooner!! I will be happy to help you with any questions you have if you would like to email me @ [email protected] Good luck with making your decision.
   — SHARON A.

August 8, 2001
Hi Robin! I live in Jay and work in Pensacola. I too am just getting started and have my first consultation with a surgeon in December. After I had done a lot of research I went to my family physician and discussed it with him. He is so supportive as well as his staff. While I was in his office he got his staff going to get me in with a surgeon. Because of my insurance BCBS of FL Health Options I have to see Dr Rout in Gainesville. I am so anxious to get started. I would love to correspond with you as we are both at the beginning stages. Please email me at [email protected]. Good Luck!!!!!!
   — KARLA S.

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