Lost weight on Meridia, but still want surgery...

I was initially denied by Cigna HMO due to lack of medically supervised weight loss attempts. So, to pacify Cigna, my PCP put me on Meridia. I just finished my 3rd month and some how have managed to lose a total of 8 lbs. Do I need to stop losing and gain a pound or two in the next month or so to prove to Cigna that I can't lose a significant amount of weight on the Meridia? Please share your thoughts...I'm scared that this will get me denied on my next attempt.    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 20, 2001)

June 20, 2001
If you only lost 8 lbs. in 3 months, I don't see what the problem is. Please by no means gain weight on purpose, 8lbs. is a very small amount of weight, if you are of any size you should have loss more than 8lbs. in 3 months, I think this should give the insurance company a good idea of how diet pills work, even without trying to gain, as soon as you stop talking the pill you will gain the 8lbs. plus more. Pills are not the answer we all know that. It sounds like the inaurance company is trying to get you to back down from surgery, don't do it follow their request, if you still recieve a denial, appeal it they soon will tire of your request and know that you are serious about the surgery. Don't give up prayer works, and there are people who are going thru the same things you are. God Bless Pat Pope
   — patricia P.

June 21, 2001
Well I was put on Merida. Did you know this is the same drug as prozac? While I was on it, I did loose weight. I asked my doctor to take me off of it, because I was getting to be an insomniac...having a lot of trouble sleeping. Plus, it was giving me a "wierd" feeling...I can't quite describe it, but I just didn't feel right. He took me off of it and then said he'd just do the referral for WLS because the other WL drug was about the same and now my options were out as far diet pills. If you experience any of these symptoms - which are quite common - I'd suggest telling your doctor and seeing where he wants to go from there. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 21, 2001
Hi, I just wanted to post that Meridia is NOT the same as Prozac. The new drug for PMS, Serafem, is the same as Prozac. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

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