How many of you rent the recliners for right after surgery?

I really wanted to rent a recliner but unfortunatly it is not in the budget this pay period (military pay you know lol). Can I get by without one? What do most of you do?    — Crystal F. (posted on April 28, 2001)

April 28, 2001
I have a recliner, so didn't rent one, but I found it most uncomfortable after surgery. It didn't have enough back support or something. I found laying flat in bed worked best for me. Moving around, walking really helped with achy muscles. IMHO, I would make-do with bed & pillows. It's only a couple weeks until you're able to sleep normally...take care ---->>
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 28, 2001
I bought a recliner at the montgomery wards going out of bussiness sale. I slept in it for almost two months, with the last month trying to transition back into sleeping in bed. I wanted so deserately to lay down flat and sleep on my side, so one day when my daughter was at work I layed down in the bed. Oh my God, I thought i was going to die. I got the worst pains inside I thought I tore something, and the worst thing was I could'nt get up I tryed and tryed, I was sreaming and crying, but no one was home. I had open Rny with my gallbladder removed. By the time I finally managed to get up I was franic and covered in perspiration. So please transition into the bed slowly and make sure you have help. Were all different and this was just my experience, but I could'nt have done it without a recliner. paulina

April 28, 2001
I was forever grateful for my recliner after my open RNY. I used it 100% for the first 8 - 10 days. Then I would try the bed but ended up in the recliner around 2 or 3 in the a.m. for another week. So, if you are having open RNY, I strongly urge you to get the use of a recliner. Good luck.
   — Doris R.

April 28, 2001
I had my Open RNY on April 6,2001. I stayed with my sister the first week . I slept in my brother-in - laws recliner the first night there but the next night I walked up 11 steps to the bedrooms and slept in a bed. I had a pillow under each arm, and I did have to sleep on my back but it was better for me than the recliner. I do sleep on my left side now but still can't sleep on my right side. I also walked even in the house every little bit so I wouldn't be stiff. The walks helped me more than anything. I walk every evening 1/2 mile . Good luck and I'll say a prayer for you.
   — kountry

April 28, 2001
I never slept in the recliner, I did fine in bed. My husband slept on the couch though, cause I didn't want to accidentally get kicked or bumped. Use pillows for support.
   — Cindy H.

April 28, 2001
Hi, I had an open BPD/DS on 4/11 and I never used a recliner. By the 4th day in the hospital I was actually on my side(altho sometimes easier than others)and when I can home I slept upstairs and even down on the sofa. At 2 weeks I was to start sleeping and easily getting out of my waterbed.
   — Linda M.

April 28, 2001
I bought a foam wedge so I would be semi-reclined in bed and also a full body pillow. I don't think I would have been comfortable in the recliner. Once I got in bed, I would create a little "nest" for myself and kept everything I may need within reach on the nightstand.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 28, 2001
I did not use a recliner. I got a body pillow and used it in bed. Worked just fine.
   — totoclark

April 30, 2001
I am 2 wks post-op open RNY w/gall bladder removal. I have been sleeping on our sofa that reclines on each end. I tried one night in bed a few days ago but decided I was sleeping more comfortably on the sofa. I have a waterbed though which may make a difference. I still can't get out of the bed on my own, my husband has to help me. My staples come out tomorrow and then I may try the bed again. But I would have been in sorry shape the last 2 weeks without that reclining sofa!!
   — Karen F.

April 30, 2001
Our recliner is hard to get into and out of - and I wanted to be able to sleep in bed with my hubby! While I was in the hospital and had the privilige of the morphine I slept on my back - FLAT - as often as I could to get my incision "stretched" so it could take it when I got home. (I generally slepp on my back) It worked, I never even slept on the couch. I also slept on my side a little in the hospital, this took patience and lots of pillows, but I did it, too, when I got home. Good luck!
   — M. A. B.

May 18, 2001
I wish someone had said "GET A RECLINER!!!" before my surgery. No one did and I was miserable. I wound up at my Mom's in a high backed chair with an ottoman pulled up to it, for the first three nights. You really do need the recliner for the first week. After that the muscles relax and swelling subsides, and you can sleep normally. Good luck!
   — Sandra W.

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