My doctor ordered a gastroscopy. Is that the same as an endoscopy?

Frankly, I don't know what either is or what I should expect from this testing. Please help!    — Alicia B. (posted on August 4, 2000)

August 6, 2000
My guess is that a gastroscopy is the same thing. Gastro refers to the stomach and scopy is looking with a scope. They usually spray your throat with a numbing spray and then give you some medication in the vien that makes you drowsy and makes you not care or remember what they have done. They insert a flexible tube into your throat down your esohphagus and into the stomach to see if you have any abnormal areas, ulcers, constricted areas, or other abnormalities. Most people say it is not bad at all. I am having one on next week. It is not a big deal as long as they give you some medication and it is a good way to evaluate the GI tract.
   — Glenda E.

August 6, 2000
Yep... They are the same... I have had two of them in the past two years for GERD... The first time they went all the way into the duodenum and the second they just went to the top of the stomach.. During both I was alert and watching what the camera saw on the TV screen... They sure won't get to my duodenum that way after my RnY..<grin>.. But it would be a nice way for them to check out my pouch.
   — Ron M.

January 19, 2002
I have had an EGD once already and they found that I had at that time, duodenitis and need to have another EGD prior to surgery, if I still have it, surgery is post poned until it is healed well. Once they do the WLS, they will never see the duodenum again, and if it is inflamed it can cause bleeding,etc. without medication getting to that area. So wish me luck !!!! and GOOD LUCK TO ALL !!!!
   — Barbara G.

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