I've read the good and bad of WLS and decided to go for it

should I now read only positive responses since I get very nervous when I read negative answers. I feel like I should just be really positive when I go in for surgery.    — hannah R. (posted on August 4, 1999)

August 4, 1999
Hannah -the best decision is a well informed decision. You can not make a decision like this one not knowing the whole story - both sides. Knowledge is POWER.- not bondage. How can you realistically get on that table now being aware of all your risks. Its a funny thing that happens though. If this surgery is for you- and you are meant to take this surgery- after you receive all the information and you've done your own research into all the information that you can find. IF THIS SURGER IS TRUELY FOR YOU- Because some people do have other options. But if you believe that this is your chance to do something this drastic for yourself. Your faith in yourself will store the risks in a special part of your brain. You will use that information to ready yourself. You see, even that information about the risks gives you power and ability to rise above the risks. This type of fuel (knowing the risks) gives you the confidence to believe you will come through with flying colors. Never be afraid of all information. I believe you have not made your decision yet. When you do make it finally the risks will be there but they will not be a threat to you. They will be like the cracks on the ground. You don't stare at them when you're walking - do you. I don't. You know they are there but they pose no threat to you. SIMPLY- because YOU"VE MADE UP YOUR MIND. Please take your time. DON'T rush into anything. Remember- knowledge is power. GOOD HEALTH. Sheila -RNY - March 26,99 (82 pounds gone)
   — Sheila W.

August 4, 1999
This is a very personal decision. Think about it alot! I also get very quesy when I think about anything like that, even just giving blood. But I had to know everything there was to know, just so I would get over that and be mentally prepared for the surgery. Would you be more upset by knowing what will happen or by not knowing? Do not watch that slide show on the web -- I just saw it tonight, and was a bit grossed out. Good luck!
   — Elizabeth W.

August 4, 1999
I have recently started to research for myself and, yes, I feel you should read all of the advice that you get or can find. The bad may not be pleasant, but I feel that it sure can't hurt to hear what may happen.(only because then you know what to look out for and be alert for) I have found that most of what you are going to find is good and finding all of the support sites is great. I have found for myself that I am not the only one feeling the way that I am feeling. Things to do today: Breathe in ---Breathe out :-) Well wishes to you in your journey.
   — [Anonymous]

August 4, 1999
Positive responses are always uplifting but I reccommend reading about all sides of the surgery...this is a big step in your life and you owe it to yourself to be come totally informed..learn all the joys along with all the may e hard at first but you need to know to watch out for...and also learn from others experiences what not to's better to be safe than sorry...there are a lot of guidelines to follow after surgery and I'm learning everyday...keep a positive support system arnd you such as friends and relatives you can rely on...bookmark this site.(it has been a real great support system for me) find other patients of your surgeon and get thier opinion...all in all the more that you are informed the better you will feel and be prepared...Good Luck!!!
   — Mona S.

August 5, 1999
This is your body and your health. You need to be informed and in control to the best of your ability. Don't be ignoratant about your health. This is a major life style change and you need to know what to expect and if you will be able to live a quality and happy life post surgury. For every frightening story you hear there are probably extenuating circumstances that may or may not apply to you. It is your job to check these situations out. You need to find out if the person(s) you are reading about wer following 'the treatment plan' or just doing their own thing their way. Often times problems occur because some people donot comply with the 'treatment plan' and therefor put themselves at great risk. Most of the horror stories and post op failures I have heard about have occured because of non-complaince. Remember this is a major life style change. But it has MAJOR rewards. But there are still rules to follow and you must be willing to follow them to the letter. Here is a bit of advise that worked for me and my boyfriend: My doctor had me scrub my belly area every day for two weeks prior to surgery with benadine scrub to kill any bacteria or funky thing that might be hanging around. We both did that. We both had great healing incisions with no post op infections. Two WLS acquaintances (out of 15 that we know) didnot follow this simple advise and developed infections post op at home that required them to rush back to the hospital. Now not all people who donot scrub two weeks prior will develop infection, but why take the chance when this simple 2 minute while you are in the shower treatment can prevent it??? My suggestion is to read everything, separate fact from fiction, see how it could apply to you and then the best educated decisions you can.
   — Wendy Sue D.

August 5, 1999
We all need to take responsibility for our own health care and management and make informed decisions. To me that means taking the bad with the good. Reasonable fear is not a bad thing. It keeps us from doing harm to ourselves before we have adiquit information. If some negitive information will prevent you from having the surgery, maybe you better listen to that voice until you do more research. Be sure you are doing the right thing for YOU. I have made my choice to have the surgery, but that is my choice, for me. I am comfortable with my choice and there will be no "should-a, would-a, could-a" no matter the outcome. If you do choose to go with the surgery; the folks here at obesity help are great suppot and comfort. Hang around, and visit the chat room, continue to talk to people who care and understand.
   — Fran W.

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