Pre op diet qiestions.

I haven't met with the nutritionist yet because I'm waiting on approval from the insurance company. Can anyone give me some suggetions on what they tell you your supposed to do? I met with the surgeon last week and I have another appointment for March 22,2005 and he wants me to lose 25 lbs. by then. Help! I need some guidence.    — lisamaempel (posted on February 26, 2005)

February 26, 2005
I did the atkins diet and walked. I lost 65 lbs in the 3 months prior to my surgery. Good Luck!!
   — Randy W.

February 26, 2005
Thanks, Randy. I've decided to cut out all white, sugar, and carbonated beverages so far. I still have my coffee in the morning but know that is going to have to go too. I'm just worried I won't be able to do it.
   — lisamaempel

February 26, 2005
I was told to help keep my sugars under control and lose some before surgery and shrink my liver avoid all foods made with white sugar, white flour and anything white, rice, potatoes and pasta, stick to lean meats chicken and fish mostly and leafy greens my surgery got scheduled quicker than expected and I lost 13lbs in 8 days. Good luck to you...Nancy
   — nefish

February 27, 2005
I'm with Randy on this one. Atkin's! It's quick and painless. I am almost 5 years out and maintain with it. Best of luck!!
   — ZZ S.

March 2, 2005
My surgeon put me on a diet to follow before my surgery to get the swelling of your liver down to make extra room for the surgery. I lost 11 pounds in on week. 2 ounces of protien (i ate chicken tenders baked in the oven) 1/4 cup of vegetables and 1/4 cup of fruit for each meal. If you must have a snack you can have soup but it can't be any kind of creamed. Also I had to drink 2-8 oz. glasses of skim milk a day. I was never hungry eating this way. Also no fried foods or bread, flour, sugar etc. Best of luck to you and good luck on loosing the 25 pounds. You can do it.
   — Lisa E.

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