My surgery is in about three weeks...

and I am giving the paperwork to my surgeon to fill out for my STD tomorrow. What I am wondering is do I have to file FMLA as well as the Short-term? Should I? Also, I put in my notice of surgery on March 18, 04. Why is my employment acting like nothing is happening? They have given me no paperwork to fill out and when I ask who is taking my place temp. they tell me they haven't worked it out yet. WHAT??? They only have three more weeks and it seems kind of fishy...    — Brandi C. (posted on April 26, 2004)

April 26, 2004
Definitely request FMLA leave, that legally protects your job and benefits for 12 weeks!!
   — Cherie A.

April 26, 2004
My employer did the same thing to me , they stalled 3 times on giving me my papers for short term disability. 2 weeks before my surgery day they fired me. That could be why they did not give them to me ..long story short I am seeking an attorney due to discrimination..good luck///
   — christina G.

April 26, 2004
Make sure you have informed them in writing and ask for them to stamp it in "Received". I know of a few others who were strategically fired after they told them about being off for surgery and FMLA etc., but hadn't done it in writing. Protect yourself!
   — zoedogcbr

April 27, 2004
The formal notice via mail is a good idea, but my company did the same thing, I received my papers via fax at home once I left. It does not sound fishy, just lack of organization, also some surgeries are cancelled, so it really works to your advantage to take leave and do paperwork just prior to going into the hospital. If your Benefits office is on location go there and get the paperwork yourself, or have them faxed to your job.
   — Anna M.

May 2, 2004
I didn't have to fill out FMLA as I went (off work) on STD. I got paperwork in the mail saying that FMLA would start on the day (after) that I left work but since on STD they would not need to be notified unless I went back AFTER my STD ran out. My company gave me the STD phone number and I called them and got set up with them prior to having surgery done. Don't worry about your job. You were approved, and You are entitled to have time off to take care of mnedical needs. I think everyone is so absorbed in themselves and their jobs that they aren't thinking about you. I don't mean this to sound mean at all, I think that is just the way people are. Don't worry - be happy that soon you'll be on the losing side. Good luck on your upcoming surgery!!!
   — bufordslipstick

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