How many birth control pill users have a great sex drive AND are losing weight?

Ok, I have some real concerns about starting birth control pills and possibly losing my sex drive. I am currently using condoms, and my sex drive is really great, a noticeable change from the past few years. However, condoms are really cramping our sex life, and I am contemplating going back onto birth control pills.<br> Up until the RNY surgery, I had been a birth control pill (BCP) user for years. I've used at least four to five different kinds of BCPs, some with good success, and others with bad side effects - such as low libido or total loss of sex drive, and inability to lose weight. Because of this past history, I stopped using the BCPs right before surgery (per doctor's orders), and decided to give the NuvaRing a try (started during month two post-op). Months three and four post-op i lost <b>only four to five pounds</b> while on the NuvaRing, and became badly constipated. Since stopping the NuvaRing, my weight loss has started again, and the constipation is virtually gone.<br> I guess I want to hear from other women who are taking birth control pills, have a good sex drive, and are also losing weight steadily. Please tell me what kind you're using, and how long you've been on them during your post-op period. Thanks!    — sweetmana (posted on January 3, 2004)

January 3, 2004
I started on the birth control patch and it's been a good option for me because there's no malabsorption factor involved and I have noticed that my sex drive has increased.
   — jennifer A.

January 3, 2004
If your goal is to possibly end up pregnant then go for the BCP's. I know that some women use them and have been lucky but it is a known fact that you do not absorb all of the medication and therefore are at great risk of getting pregnant. I have been on Depo Provera shots since 1995. I have lost 212 lbs in 11 months and lets just say sex drive is over the top. So it has in no way affected me negatively in any way. I know some will say it caused them to gain tons of weight but not me nor many other women I know. If you are below 200 the patch would be an option. <p>Your body will go through all kinds of hormonal and other changes so weight loss slowing at times can happen for no reason. Are you sure you weren't suddenly eating more or not staying as protein focused or not getting lots of protein? There are so many factors. <p>It took me till about 9 months to realize I was malabsorbing some of my depression medication. I had been on the previous dose for years, so I know it was adequate. It wasn't until things got more stressful in my life and I was having trouble dealing with it that it became evident. But an extra 10 mg a day has resolved that. Please do not play russion roulette with your health and a baby's health by gambling with BCP's. Find another alternative. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

January 3, 2004
Thanks for your post, Chris D. My understanding is that if you are a Proximal bypass (my surgeon has said I only have 15 cm. bypassed), BCPs don't pose any absorption problems. And the months that I didn't lose weight (or lost very little) were NOT a result of anything i was doing wrong, because i was doing everything right. Within two weeks of discontinuing use of the NuvaRing, I lost 10 lbs. Believe me, i didn't automatically attribute my weight loss cessation to the NuvaRing; i didn't actually think the NuvaRing was the cause of the cessation up until the end of the second month. My suspicion was further proven when i lost a good chunk of weight pretty quickly after i stopped using NuvaRing.<br> I am still interested in 1) brand of BCPs used, 2) how long using this type, 3) your opinion on how your sex drive is, and 4) whether you have lost weight steadily while on BCPs. Thanks to everyone in advance!
   — sweetmana

January 4, 2004
I am using Demulen as a BCP. My PA said that malabsorption would not be a problem. I am still losing weight at the same steady rate since I started the BCP three months ago (4 months post-op). My sex drive is the same. I, too, was concerned about the weight loss since I had gained weight in the past with BCP but I have not had the problem since I got back on them.
   — kararuck

January 4, 2004
I was using birth control pills pre-op and post-op up until 2 months ago. My sex drive had gone to almost nothing in the past two years. I thought it was the weight, but after surgery it didn't get better even after losing 144 pounds. I starting having alergic reactions to the condoms and monthly yeast infections so my ob-gyn and I researched my options. We decided the Mirena-iud was the best option for me. My insurance covered it and I feel this is the best thing I could have done. After 2 weeks my sex drive came back in full force. My husband is thrilled. <p>Maybe you should ask you doctor about the Mirena-iud. It was inserted at my doctors office, but I had to be on my period so the cervix was open the widest. There was a bit of cramping the first day, but after that I was back to normal and my periods have been lighter. My weight loss has been consistant, but now that I am 15 months post-op it has slowed down. I think the last 60 pounds will be the slowest.
   — ckreh

January 4, 2004
Im still preop but switched from BCP to the birth control patch 2 months ago. Its quite good, and I dont have the low libido I did with the pills. Its also easier to remember too. Good luck!!!
   — leslee4567

January 4, 2004
I have been taking a birth control pill for awhile (ortho tri-cyclene).I have not had any problems and my sex drive is great. I am 9 months out and have lost 104 lbs. MM
   — Marti M.

January 4, 2004
Hi there, I have been taking Alesse BCP's for the entire 5 mos of my post-op period. I have had no problems with them, my sex drive is okay and I am still losing. I have been on Alesse for about 2 years. I have heard that BCP's aren't always effective after wls due to absorption problems, but so far it has been okay for me.
   — beeda

January 5, 2004
To the original poster. Please double check with your surgeon that you were only bypassed 15cm. I have never heard of one so short. I just don't want you to end up surprised by assuming you won't malabsorb any of the BCP's. For me it would be too big a gamble no matter how little I was bypassed. But that's me. Not big gambler especially with a baby's life.
   — zoedogcbr

January 5, 2004
Hi. First things first, BE CAREFULL WITH BIRTH CONTROL PILLS POST OP!!! I've read many studys that say that they are not 100% sure on the absorption rate of bcp's post gastric bypass. That being said, I took Ortho Tri Cyclen and my sex drive was fabulous! Took it before surgery and after surgery. I wanted hubby again 2 weeks post op. I'm 16 months post op and down 180 pounds and still losing a pound here and pound there. However!! I threw in that warning because I'm now 11 weeks pregnant and never stopped taking that happy little pill. My ob/gyn also has 2 other gastric bypass patients in the same situation. So, unless your ready for the possiblity of your own little bean...BE CAREFULL!!!! good luck!! email if you have more questions: [email protected]
   — Christie N.

January 5, 2004
<b><i>To Chris D.:</b></i><br> <br> You had me questioning whether I had heard the surgeon incorrectly, so I called him today to confirm that my auditory senses are, in fact, intact. They are. He said that they routinely bypass between 15 - 30 cm., depending on the patient. While my loss hasn't been as quick or steady as I would've liked, I've surpassed the average weight loss of excess body weight he has for his patients (which is 65%), and I'm only 30 lbs. from goal.<br> <br> However, after speaking with my OB/GYN today, I've decided to go with the Ortho-Evra patch, rather than risk a possible pregnancy. At 35, I'm done with my child-bearing days! I will try the patch for 2-3 months, and if I don't like how that works, my next choice is to try the Mirena IUD.<br> <br> Thanks to <u>everyone</u> who posted a response to this thread; I greatly appreciate it!
   — sweetmana

January 6, 2004
To "A Sweet One". I'm glad you double checked things. It's always best to be sure. He's probably right that at that short of a bypass you probably won't malabsorb anything, but there is no guarantee. It sounds like you have a plan of attack now. I hope the patch works out for you. If you know you are done with child bearing then you might consider a tubal. I had my tubes tied 2 weeks ago.
   — zoedogcbr

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