2 wks p/o no arthritis pain since surgery. Anyone had this? How long does it last?

I'm 2 wks post-op. Before surgery I took naproxen daily for arthitis pain. Since surgery I've had no pain at all, although some stiffness reamains. Is this typical? How long does it last?    — Mivey1 (posted on December 2, 2003)

December 2, 2003
I also had NO arthritis pain rigth after surgery. Since the weather has gotten colder though I am back to feeling it a little. I often wish I had lost weight 20 years ago before I destroyed all my joints. I guess once they are destroyed they are gone. I recently re-started arthritis medicines.... and I have kidney stones right now too so the pain medicine helps. So far it has made no difference in my weight loss. God bless you on your Journey. It is an interesting one!
   — Eleanore Davis

December 2, 2003
I too have had no arthritis pain at all since surgery. My surgery was three months ago. I occasionally experience a little pain when I walk too far in uncomfortable shoes or sit too long at my computer, but aside from that, I'm pain free. It's a miracle. I not only have arthritis but also have a herniated disk in my back. Before surgery I was in constant pain. Now I can focus on my life instead of my pain and can exercise to my heart's content. Literally to my heart's content. Congratulations to you!
   — jenpatalano

December 2, 2003
I took Lodine pre-op for arthritis pain and haven't had to take anything since my surgery on 8/15/2002. Of course I have my occasional ache and pain, but nothing that would require medication.
   — Cathy S.

December 2, 2003
Man, do I envy you. I haven't had much relief from arthritis and join pain and I'm two years post-op. Of course, my surgeon told me that losing weight wouldn't help that I would have to have joint replacement surgery. I had one knee replaced in July and am now waiting to have the other done.
   — Patty_Butler

December 2, 2003
Most of my arthritic pain ended after about one month post-op (after I had lost 80 pounds). The more weight I've lost, the greater the time between periods of inflammation-- and I haven't experienced any in over three months. For me, I had arthritic pain in both knees (multiple surgeries for each due to torn ligaments and cartillage)-- the relief from the weight loss has been remarkable.
   — SteveColarossi

December 2, 2003
I went 4 weeks with zero pain from fibromyalgia or arthritis. Then the fibro flared up. My surgeon allowed me to go back on Bextra because he felt that it was important to get me moving. I knew the risk. Fortunately Bextra is very small. He had me break it in half and then put each piece into chewed food right before I swallowed. I used it for about 6-8 weeks with no problem. After that time I was able to get back off of it again. Not pain free but tolerable and certainly no worse than it was before surgery when I lived on anti-inflammatories. My left knee is still the biggest issue and varies from day to day. About a month ago I got it shot up with cortisone which helped some and most days it's not too bad unless I have to do a lot of sitting and limited moving for the day. That knee is a combo of arthritis and fibro, so it will never be perfect. At 42 I don't expect a pain free body. I occassionally use the Bextra for short periods to settle a flare-up down but have only done that 3 times total since surgery. I do not want to push it any more than I have to.
   — zoedogcbr

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