still in alot of bad pain 4 1/2 weeks post-op

I'm almost 5wks post-op and for the past 3 days I have been in aloooot of pain in my left side it's all over and spreads around to my back lower & mid-ways and it really hurts the most when I take kinda deep breaths and laying down on my back even alittle hurts sooo bad I called my Dr friday night he said he thinks it might just be scar tissue & come see him monday I would have went to the ER but my hubby's work would not let him off unless he got writen up so I said I would hang on awhile longer seeing I have noone to take care of my kids does anyone have any idea what this pain might be I am even alittle short of breath help??? Lap RNY 7-09-03    — Stacy R. (posted on August 10, 2003)

August 10, 2003
If you still have a gallbladder then that's my vote. If not then it might be adhesions. Even though the gallbladder is on the right side it is known for causing pain anywhere in the abdomen and especially known for working it's way all the way around your middle. Mine travelled quite a bit. Good Luck! Chris
   — zoedogcbr

August 10, 2003
Gall bladder pain can start in the front middle then go to the back but it will travel around the right side not the left. Take my word for it my gall bladder put me in the hospital for 117 back days in 1991. Could be diverticulosis that will start with the same pain that you have and go around to the back via the left side (have had that also). Diverticulosis is very painful.
   — ChristineB

August 10, 2003
Please Please go to the doctor don't guess shortness of breath pain like that is nothing to mess with after this kind of surgery maybe nothing maybe SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!
   — robinm

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