Am I

Hi all. I'm 5'5 and weigh 225 lbs. When I told my sister that I am seriously looking into WLS (I have a consultaion with a surgeon on 6/10) she told me that I am not big enough to have this surgery. I have been struggleing with my weight since I was 16. Ive been a member of Jenny Craig since 2000 and have been on ond off of the program for the last 3 years and the most weight I ever lost with them was about 20-22 lbs. Between Jenny Craig programs I have tired every over the counter diet pill you can think of. I have also tried weight watchers with no significant weight loss. I have started seeing a chiropractor for my my aches and pain (my back, left hip and my right ankle) and am considering looking for help cause I think I may be suffering from deppression and might even be an emotional eater. My asthma has gotten worse within the last 5-6 months and I've been haveing difficulty sleeping cause I can't breath. All in all, I feel like this sugery is Not the easy way out, but my last resort. So with all of this said. Do you guys think I'm "too small" to have WLS? I really appreciate any comments and/or advice.    — Luz A. (posted on May 9, 2003)

May 9, 2003
Most doctors require a BMI of 40 or 35 plus co-morbid conditions. With your height and weight, you have a BMI of 37.5. If you have co-morbids (sleep apnea might be a real possibility) you should be able to get the surgery.
   — fieryfish

May 9, 2003
Luz....I don't think this is the easy way out for you. But your BMI is kind of low. In most cases I have heard insurance companies require you to have a BMI of 40 or more and or be 100 or more pounds overweight. You might have some luck with the insurance company because of all the problems your weight has caused. Keep in mind, some doctors will not do WLS surgery on someone who does not have a BMI of 40 or more. Best of luck. I hope everything works out for you!
   — Maria S

May 10, 2003
I suggest you go talk to your Primary doctor. Tell him everything you've just posted here and ask him what he suggests and if this surgery is a good solution for you. He can do a bunch of tests to rule out other causes and maybe even find an "easier" solution then this surgery. However...if he agrees with you that surgery is a good idea, then make sure you make note of all your problems so that when you go to the surgeon he won't just see your BMI and send you away.
   — Renee B.

May 10, 2003
You should consider getting the Lap Band if your insurance company covers it. Around this time last year I was 215lbsn and today I am well approx. 259 lbs. My advice to you is to get it now or wait until you gain 100 lbs and be even more miserable. Seriously, you are not too small. If you gained 15 pounds your BMI would be 40. I am 5'5 myself so your ideal weight is around 125-138 pounds.
   — Shayla527

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