OK guys, Do you know of surgeons in NC, SC, Tenn, Ala.

I am desparate to find a surgeon somewhere here in the South that will do self-pay at a reasonable price. I am broke, but need this surgery. I have found surgeons who charge $20,000, $25,000, $30,000. and $35,000.,but this is WAY BEYOND my reach realisticly. PLEASE HELP! [email protected]    — cindyedens (posted on February 27, 2003)

February 27, 2003
he is not my surgeon but i have heard that Dr. Strickland give discounts for self pay around ten k. he is with southern surigical group LLC. i have had friend who have had him and like him and all that. i would research out the coutry, i heard you can spend ten K for everything hotel, hospital, surgery, plane fare. if i was going to have to self pay you bet ya i would have had it over seas. good luck
   — Jennifer S.

February 27, 2003
Dr. Donald Balder of Florence S.C. charges around 5k for open and 7k for lap. He is an EXCELLENT surgeon. Phone- 843-669-1220. If you have any questions feel free to email me!!...Karen (lap rny 9/20/02- down 110 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

March 1, 2003
Dr. Jack Rutledge in Chattanooga TN. His charges are 3500.00. Of course that does not count the hospital costs. I paid upfront 600.00 at hospital. but my insurance paid 100%.
   — Pam W.

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