Can anyone tell me where I can find a surgeon who is GOOD & CHEAP?

Well, I have exhausted about everything I can to get approved. I have been denied outright 3 times, and I have hadthe claims review board deny me. I've gone to the HR person and also the insurance person at work and they have also contacted the insurance company. I've written to the state insurance commission and they said there is nothing they can do. I have cantacted a lawyer and the chance are very slim that he can help....(I might as well use this money to pay a surgeon since my chances are so slim). My insurance is BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina PPO. There is a very precise EXCLUSION and I have tried everything I can to get approved. So, now the only way I can see to have this surgery is to self pay. We don't have any money, and we are pretty maxed out on our credit. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I am so blue over all of this. I try not to think about it but everytime I try to tie my shoes, go to the bathroom or do things that I just can't do it gets me down all over again. BTW Iam 51 years old, 5'4" tall, weigh 372 lbs., have asthma, Shortness of breath,high blood pressure, diabetes, congestive heart failure, plumenary edema, DEPRESSION, acid reflux, and more...Thanks for listening! Cindy    — cindyedens (posted on February 15, 2003)

February 15, 2003
Cindy, wow. What an ordeal. I was self pay & if you want to check out my profile, it'll give you the details. I am in Seattle, which may prove more of a problem then not...but check it out & email me privately if you wish.
   — LionGirl2k

February 15, 2003
I have often wondered for those whose insurance does not cover this and they have to self pay, if it would be cheaper to purchase an insurance plan that does cover it and then have it done and later cancel it if you already have your own health insurance. Just check out such things as pre-existing conditions. I would research it. It may prove to save a little money.
   — Lisa N M.

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