Anyone else develop restless leg syndrome soon after surgery?

I had a lap RNY Dec 18/02 with no complications. I've since lost 20 lbs. In the past few nights, have noticed that I have developed restless leg syndrome, where I get a very excited feeling in my legs and I can't comfortably keep them still. Has anyone else noticed this problem? If so, did it reslove itself? I think it may me hormone-related, because the last time I developed this was in early pregnancy (no, not pregnant again!).    — Patricia E. (posted on January 7, 2003)

January 7, 2003
I had the same problem after surgery, and with pregnacies too. Mine went away abt a 2-4 weeks after surgery. I read somewhere that it can be from iron defiecency too. Makes sense for pregnancy to. Tina
   — Tina L.

January 7, 2003
I had restless leg prior to surgery (and still do). My doctor said that a lot of medications (especially effexor and some other anti-depressants) list restless leg as a side effect. Maybe thats it? Good luck.
   — Tamara K.

January 7, 2003
I have had restless leg syndrome for several years. There is a website which is the Restless Leg Syndrome Foundation website. I found some good information there. I finally had to start taking Neurontin because it got so bad I was not sleeping, but there are a number of other things they suggest you try first. Good luck. I know how incredibly aggravating it can be.
   — garw

January 7, 2003
YES! I didnt know what it was when I first started getting it. I had surgery 6/12/02 and that started probably 1.5 weeks later. It fortunately only lasted about a week or two and has never returned. Its very distressing, but goes away fortunately. I heard its a reaction to the anesthesia.
   — emilyfink

January 7, 2003
Wow...this is one of those things I wanted to ask about after my surgery in Oct. Mine started the week I was home from the hospital and the only thing that helped was stretching and walking(if you can call it that at that stage). I would also take my pain meds at night (even after the pain had worn off)as it helped sedate me and the twitching of my legs was less annoying. This was one of the more frustrating things as a post op...would love to know why it happened w/ this operation and not others I have had.
   — TanaMom2JAM

January 11, 2003
Ihad restless leg syndrome for quite awhile. The doctor did a simple iron test and mine was low. My iron was 7 and is supposed to be around 70. I now take a iron supplement 2X daily and it works. Ask your doctor.
   — stephanie H.

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