I have had a few relatives approach me regarding the Sugery, However!!

both happen to have heart problems. Although, they are candidates for the surgery my question is this. Is it safe for them to go through with this while having heart problems. My uncle has had 2 angio's and my mother-in-law has a pace maker and suffers from cellulitus (sp?) occasionaly. I would love to tell them that I have never felt better and this is a great too and to go for it, but I don't want to put them at anymore risk than neccessary. Some advice please!    — Irene M. (posted on November 16, 2002)

November 16, 2002
Only a surgeon could properly evaluate their safety for the WLS. Doesn't hurt to go through a basic evaluation but that surgeon needs to have a full medical history to make an appropriate evaluation.
   — Cathy S.

November 16, 2002
I'm not sure about the heart problems, but my mother also suffers from cellulitis really bad. She was told by two different wls surgeons that they wouldn't touch her if her legs were showing any signs of infection, but that she could be considered for surgery if her infections were under control.
   — ImANewDee

November 17, 2002
I don't really think it's your responsibilty here to keep your improved health and attitude from them, nor would you be putting them at risk. If they are over 18, tell them what you know and let the surgeons determine the risks involved and share it with his/her patient. Sweet of you to worry though :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 18, 2002
Irene, I have several health problems caused by my weight. My cardiologist is the most excited of all my doctors about me having this surgery! He believes that my cardiac problems will be resolved as a result of it. Alot of peole have problems with their hearts as a result of obesity and have this life saving surgery every day. The surgeon your relatives go to can determine if surgery is right for them!!! God Bless!
   — garnet156

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