Is Hashimotos Thyroid Disease considered a qualification?

I have Hashimotos Thyroid Disease. This is when my own Thyroid makes antibodies to destroy its self. It is now non-functioning as I am on tyroid replacement. My thyroid values are normal with medication. I will become hypo thyroid if stopped and will have to take it for a lifetime. Could this be listed as a good reason to have WLS. I have gained alot of weight from this condition that seems to be stuck for good & keeps increasing. I am 100 lbs over, BMI at about 35-36.    — Jan S. (posted on October 2, 2002)

October 1, 2002
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's back in 1976 at the age of 18. I have been on Synthroid since that time. None of the doctors or endocrinologists that I have had since that time put that forth as the cause of my obesity. If you are compliant with your Synthroid and your TSH tests are normmal, then this may not be a cause of your obesity. Research that I have read indicates that obesity is not related to thyroid function. If you are hypothyroid, you may gain a little weight, but usually less than 10 pounds. <p> You can suggest it to your doctor or surgeon to put in to the letter for the insurance company, but I don't think it's gonna fly if that is the only co-morbidity you have.
   — John Rushton

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