Do I have a right to be upset?

I finished my consult, called the scheduler to make my 4 tests scheduled (2D EKG, Venous Ultrasound, Pulmonary Function and Thyroid Function) and she promptly tells me that Doctors Direct Insurance wont approve any tests until I finish the 12 week lifestyle management class I am currently in. She THEN proceeds to tell me that if I wasnt SO overweight I wouldnt be IN THIS PROBLEM to begin with. Tells me I NEED to be patient and this isnt an IMPORTANT surgery or an EMERGENCY operation. (This chick weighs about as much as my left leg). So I am almost in tears at this point and she throws in, "I talked to Tina at Doctors Direct and she said she is sick of you annoying her with phone calls." After she called me fat, lazy and impatient she hung up on me after saying, "call me back when you are done with your weight managment class...-CLICK-" I was in tears I was so angry. Tina called me and told me that she had NEVER even spoken with Melinda (the hellish scheduler) and that she was really sorry I had to be abused like that. Then she told me that she will submit the case to the medical board after 9 weeks in the program instead of 12, so that I can have all my tests done in time to have the surgery in December. Of course I have to be "compliant" totally or the whole thing starts over. See, my insurance started offering this surgery last year. RECENTLY (I am in the first class) they implemented a program where you attend educational seminars on wellness, proper eating, exercise, healthy living, portion control also must go to 5 sessions of exercise a week. 3 days of cardiovascular workout and 2 days of strength training with weights and machines. I have been going 7 times a week, JUST to be more in shape and thus, more compliant. At the end of the 12 weeks if they see that you have gone to all of the classes and have TRIED to lose weight and havent been very successful, they will approve the surgery... WELL, In the 5 weeks Ive been in, I have lost only 2 pounds.....yeah, its not working for me. I am eating their meal plan, working out MORE than enough and still, nothing. I think my body is sick to death of the yo-yoing and is just giving up. So now I wait for the 9 week mark when I can finally start getting this process going OFFICIALLY. I will update with weight loss or gain in this time. I started the program at 289 and now I am at 285.6 but that is because I spent yesterday throwing up everything I ate and I am dehydrated (ate bad chicken) Ive really only lost 2.3 pounds.....pretty pathetic if you ask me. Do I HAVE reason to be upset with this Drs office?    — Christin H. (posted on September 26, 2002)

September 26, 2002
Yes, you have a right to be upset with this person. I am so fortunate. Everyone in my doctor's office is so kind. Of course, I don't think he would tolerate it if they were ever cruel to a patient. He told me when I went for my 10 week check-up that other than curing cancer, weight loss surgery is the most rewarding thing he does. He dearly loves his patients. I have been suffering from an infection in the jaw for two weeks (he put me in the hospital for two days for IV antibiotics) and in the week I've been out of the hospital he has called me three times to check on me and his office staff has called three times. He tells his patients that they are his for life and he means it. I certainly hope your doctor is nicer than his scheduler.
   — Patty_Butler

September 26, 2002
Yes, you have every right and reason to be upset. After working in the healthcare field for over 20 years, it still sickens me to hear of patients who are abused like this person abused you. The scheduler obviously feels self-important and relishes her power over others. Personally I would report her to her supervisor and the doctor.
   — LLinderman

September 26, 2002
I am so mad about that. You know I bet you didn't even call and ask to speak to someone did you because you are so nice. You know what just because we are MO we do not have to live an apologetic life. If you notice many of us end up with abusive partners and stuff because they take advantage of the fact of how we feel. I would love to see another post from you where we get to hear that you let that B&&%&^%&^ have it. I would tell her that if you had some sort of cancer or something she would have never spoken to you. If she was talking to a 5'8" barbie looking girl getting her boobs done would she have said the same thing I don't think so. I am so furious I would call for you. Please don't let ANYONE ever talk to you like that. No matter what the reason you are MO is it does not matter you are. I don't care if you eat a bucket of KFC everyday that is you decision but the only decision that matters now is that you want to change that. No one says she can't do anything, like work there for instance, because she is a hag do they. Well I bet that could change if you went over her head and let them know what a cow she is. please e me if I can rip her a new one for you. I would be glad to. [email protected]
   — Peggy A.

September 26, 2002
wow, sweetheart, that SUCKS. Stupid question, here: is this "lifestyle program" required by your insurance or your surgeon? I initially wanted to see a surgeon who required a program like this pre-op, and after 3 months of hell I finally decided to look for another surgeon. If this program isn't your insurance company's requirement....find another surgeon. I'm so sorry you went through this. But think of it this way -- this is one nasty woman who is against you. On this board, you have 90,000 nice people who love you. Keep your chin up.
   — Tamara K.

September 26, 2002
Just an update: I went to the support group meeting last night and SHE WAS THERE!!! I went up to her and I said, "Look, I am here to be supported and I dont feel comfortable with someone who calls me FAT, LAZY AND UNIMPORTANT" (I said those words really loud) She goes, "exCUse me?" and I said, "This is a support group ...not a place you can come look around and snicker at all of us "FAT, LAZY and UNIMPORTANT" people. She left. WOOHHAAA!!!
   — Christin H.

September 26, 2002
Tamara- it is required by my insurance. Its the ONLY way they will approve the surgery. Its tough but I think its important and it teached us to exercise in groups and like it and also to eat right. They know if you are cheating because they do blood tests randomly to check triglycerides, chloesterol, flexibility, weight, BP ect. . .if you eat the wrong foods, THEY WILL KNOW!!!=) Take care and btw, you are GAH-GEOUS!
   — Christin H.

September 26, 2002
Christin, I am so sorry to hear that you've had to jump through so many hoops. Yes, you have a right to be upset. I would just encourage you to do everything they require as best you can and know that every time you "comply", you're that closer to surgery. I had a similiar experience with my PCP who looked at me (during one of my consults with hime) over his glasses (I'll never forget this) and said, "...well, I recommend this surgery for my morbidly obese patients and have success.....but not for people who are just LAZY..". How I wanted to tell him to go %#@%# himself and storm out.... but I took a deep breath, smiled and just sat there, knowing that I didn't want to go through the hassle of changing doctors and all I needed was his bloody signature on a piece of paper, which I ultimately got. So--I guess I'm just saying....keep the faith, each day is a day closer for you--I wish you all the best. Karen (4 days away from Lap RNY)
   — Karen K.

September 26, 2002
Christine I am so sorry what you have to go though, but you are better than me. I have been so short tempered lately that I think I would have lost it. Just yesterday I had a very rude bank teller tell me "I can't do this tranaction" very nasty, My response was , "You're right you can't do a damn thing because your name is not Chase Bank, so get me a manager who can", Then I proceeded to stare at her the whole time I was talking to the manager, so got so nervous that she asked for a break. Tell the Bitch to just do her job, because if it wasn't for us she wouldn't have such a lousy job, then make her feel uncomfortable and just give her that evil stare. My only problem is that with all my problem going on with my life right now I was willing to back it up, But don't you do it, just be polite, complete the program and don't talk to her unless it's business.
   — Rebe W.

September 27, 2002
Rebe I am sooooo incredibly sorry to hear about your loss. God Bless You!!!!!! I will keep you in my prayers.
   — Christin H.

September 27, 2002
Girl, you DIDNT deserve that at all!!!! I would tell the doctor asap. When I was having problems getting my medical records sent to me, I recorded the conversations and sent a copy to my doctor so he would know exactly what his staff was doing and lord and behold 3 days later by Fed Ex I had my records and an apology from my doctor and his staff.
   — Angie L.

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